Lenten fish fries: Submit your free listing to our events calendar

Mardi Gras 2016 is on Feb. 9. The next day, Ash Wednesday, marks the reflective season of Lent, a time of penitence and self-deprivation for many Christians, begins in the New Orleans area. It also marks the start of fish fry season in south Louisiana.

Among Lenten traditions is the prohibition against eating meat on Fridays from Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10) through Easter (March 27). Some folks give it up for the whole season.

Each year, churches and community organizations throughout the New Orleans area raise money by hosting fish fries throughout the Lenten season. NOLA.com is compiling listings for Lenten fish fries in southeast Louisiana.

Organizers should submit their fish fry information online at NOLA.com/Events.

Our event submission form is fairly self-explanatory and has tips embedded in it. One special request, please make sure to start the name of your event with this phrase: Lenten Fish Fry: Name of your organization. This is vital in helping us and readers find your event later.

Before submitting an event, please check NOLA.com/events to see if your fish fry already exists. There’s no need to resubmit an event that already exists. If you have changes, send a note to events@nola.com.

If you don’t see your fish fry, click the “Submit event” link at the top of the page to get to the submission form. The form comprises five boxes.

If you are doing something new or special this year, send a note to me, Ann Maloney, at amaloney@nola.com. 


If you run into trouble putting your listing in, you can refer to this detailed explanation of how the calendar works. These are instructions for anyone wishing to submit any type of food, arts or entertainment event to the calendar.

Here is a look at each of the five boxes in the form, with tips:

Box 1.jpgStart with the event title and category.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Box 1

The first box has just two fields.

In the first, type the title of your event. Do not feel as if you need to include every bit of information, such as the sponsor, the producer or more. There will be an event description box later on in which you can list such details. Keep the title as simple and direct as possible. If it’s a nightclub listing, the name of the artist or artists will suffice. For theater, all you need is the name of the show. Exception: If your event is part of a concert series, you might want to use a compound title such as “Wednesday at the Square: Irma Thomas,” “Trinity Artist Series: Going for Baroque,” or “Open Ears Music Series: Helen Gillet.”

Note that we do not publish obscene band names or event titles.

The second field asks you to choose from a drop-down list the single best category into which your event fits. A couple of tips: The comedy category is meant to comprise stand-up, improv and sketch comedy shows; plays that happen to be comedies should be listed under the plays and musicals category, which also is where burlesque shows, circuses, and other stage shows should be listed. The dance category is for staged dance productions (New Orleans Ballet Association, Marigny Opera House Dance Company, etc.); the social dancing category is for open dances (Club Silhouette, Jefferson Orleans North, Northshore Cajun Dancers, etc.). Art markets should be included in the festivals category. Self-help events and 12-step programs belong in the health and fitness category.

Box 2 Blank.jpgAdd your event’s location.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Box 2

The only question you have to answer in Box 2 is: Where will your event be held?

Say an event is being held at Dixon Hall on the Tulane University campus. If I type the word “Dixon” and pause for a couple of seconds, the software will pop up a list of all venues containing the word “Dixon” either in the venue name or in the venue address. (Club XLIV at Champions Square is suggested because it has a Dixon Drive address.) The more specific the word or phrase you type into Box 2, the shorter your list of possible venues will be.

Box 2 Dixon.jpgThe calendar software compiles a list of all venues containing the word or phrase entered in Box 2, whether the search term is in the venue name or venue address. In this list of suggestions, click on the proper venue to select it.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

From the list of “Dixon” suggestions, I click on “Tulane University Dixon Hall,” which is the venue for which I was looking. The venue then appears inside Box 2. Notice that a line of text appears below the text entry box confirming the selection.

Box 2 Venue Selected.jpgVenue is properly selected.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

In theory, users even may find their venues by typing in an address. For example, if I know my event is at 1200 Canal St., but don’t what building that is, I can enter “1200 Canal.” The software correctly suggests that the Joy Theater is the venue for which I’m looking. (In this example, I did not include “St.” in my search because I am not certain if “street” is abbeviated or not in the venue database. Sometimes, the less text you enter, the better your chances of a helpful search result. Still, you want your search term to be specific enough that you’re not overwhelmed with false returns.)

Box 2 1200 Canal.jpgUsers even can search for a venue by typing in an address.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Once your venue is properly selected, proceed to Box 3.

If you cannot find your venue, note the link in the bottom right corner of Box 2, “Contact us to add a venue.” Clicking on the link opens another form in which you may provide details about your venue (not about your event). New venues can be created only by NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune staff. Depending on the volume of email received, it can take a few days to have a new venue created.

We will create public venues within a three- to four-hour drive of New Orleans. We do not permit the use of private residences as venues on our events platform.

Once your venue is ready, you will receive a reply telling you that you may now return to the event submission page to create your actual event. (That’s why it is essential that you provide the requested contact info when asking that a venue be created. This information is used for no other purpose than to let you know when your venue is ready.) No event can be created until its venue is available in the database. That’s why it is best to submit your information as far in advance as possible. Once a venue has been created, it will remain available for use indefinitely.

Please note that only one venue can be chosen for each event. If your event has multiple performances at multiple venues, you must create a separate event for each venue and give each a unique event name. Example: “Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra: Baroque Christmas” and “Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra: Baroque Christmas (Covington).”

The exception to this rule would be a progressive event that, within a single instance, moves from venue to venue. An example would be a pub crawl, where, for calendar purposes, the only venue that really matters is the initial venue at which participants must gather. Subsequent stops during the crawl can be detailed in the event description (which we’ll get to later) or left as a surprise for the participants.

Box 3 Blank.jpgAdd the date(s) and time(s) of your event.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Box 3

Box 3 is where you will enter the date(s) and time(s) of your event. If you list a date or dates for your event, but no time, the software will declare your event to be an “all day event.” If this is not the case, you might be better off waiting to submit your event until you know the time(s).

For most types of events (nightclub bookings, concerts, plays, comedy acts, movie screenings, etc.), it is sufficient to submit only a start time. For some events (festivals, book signings, gallery exhibits, etc.), it is better to submit the start and end times as patrons can drop by any time during that range.

There is no need to enter a year; the software always assumes your event is within 12 months of the current date. If you’re submitting an April event in December, it will assume you mean April of the following year. There is no way to submit an event that is a year or more away.

Each reference to a time must be followed by either an “a” for a.m. or a “p” for p.m. The exceptions are the words “noon” and “midnight,” which stand alone. Also, “midnight” is the last moment of the current day.

Each new day begins at 12:01 a.m. If you have a nightclub act starting late at night on Friday, Nov. 13, at 1 a.m., you must enter it as if the event is on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 1 a.m. If you enter it as a Nov. 13 event, it will be listed before your earlier acts on Nov. 13, say at 8 or 10 p.m.

The part of the software responsible for exporting calendar listings for print publication knows to refer to events in the wee hours as late-night events from the previous day. This only works, however, if the event entry follows standard date and time rules. Just ask yourself: If I were to attend this event, what date and time would be displayed on my smartphone as the event starts (assuming my smartphone is set to the local time zone)?

Finally, you must never type a return between a date or dates and the related time or times.

With that in mind, there are many ways to type dates and times that the software will understand. The examples below, however, show you how to enter the information with the least amount of typing.

The most basic example is for a one-time event, on Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. In Box 3, all I need enter is “12/3 8p.” To make certain the software understood my entry, I can click anywhere inside the gray portion of Box 3 (that is, outside the white box in which I entered the date and time) and a calendar will appear, showing how the software interpreted my entry. Always use this calendar to check your entry before submitting your event.

One date One time.jpgEvent is one-time only.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

What if this entry is for an act with two sets that night? Just add the time of the second gig to that same line. (And check your calendar.)

One date Two Times.jpgTwo sets at one club on the same night.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If the act is performing multiple dates at those same two times, just extend the date range. (And check your calendar.)

Two dates Two times.jpgTwo sets on two consecutive days at one club.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If the dates are nonconsecutive, use a comma instead of a hyphen to separate the dates. Do not type any spaces between the comma and dates. (And check your calendar.)

Nonconsecutive dates, times.jpgTwo gigs each day on nonconsecutive dates at same club.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If an artist has a standing gig for a couple of months, just enter a description, but be careful. The gig must be submitted before its first date. Otherwise, the software might assume the engagement begins the following year. If this happens, you would have to take a different approach to date and time entry. (And check your calendar.)

Standing Gig.jpgA standing gig.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

When submitting a standing gig, be certain to exclude any dates the artist is taking off, whether for vacation or a holiday. Add the word “not” to the end of the gig description and then list the dates on which there is no performance. This is typed as one long phrase with no returns. (Check your calendar.)

Standing Gig with Exclusion.jpgA standing gig with one date excluded.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If your event is a three-day festival with different times each day, just enter each pairing of day and time on a separate line. (And check your calendar.)

Three-Day Festival.jpgA three-day event with different hours each day.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If your event occurs at random dates and times, just enter the entire list of dates and times in Box 3, continuing to use all of the tricks above. Remember, though, that every time you hit return, you have to start the new line with a new date or dates. (And check your calendar.)

Random Dates and Times.jpgOngoing event with random dates and times.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If you’re producing a play with a predictable pattern of dates and times, you can describe that pattern. In the example below, the play will be performed Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. from Dec. 10 through Dec. 27, but with no performances on Dec. 24 and 25. The description is typed as one long phrase with no returns. (Note the use of the word “not”; and check your calendar.)

Play with Date Pattern.jpgDays and times following a pattern.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If your play’s performance schedule mostly fits a pattern but has an extra performance or two, just add an additional line or two to account for the outliers. (And check your calendar.)

Play with Date Pattern and Extra Day.jpgEvent dates and times mostly follow a pattern, but there are additions.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

The final example would be for an art exhibit. (Generally speaking, an opening reception should be listed as a separate event with its own date and time.) Exhibit hours coincide with a gallery’s hours of operation during the exhibit’s run — in this case, Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., from Dec. 5 through Jan. 17, with no availability Dec. 24-25 and Dec. 31-Jan. 1. Again, this is entered as one long phrase with no returns. (Note again the use of the word “not”; and check your calendar.)

Exhibit with Date Pattern.jpgExhibit with dates and times following a pattern.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Once the calendar is correct, you can move on to Box 4.

Box 4 Blank.jpgAdd the final details, including an event description.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Box 4

In Box 4, you will supply a few last bits of information on the right and enter your event description on the left.

On the right, you are first asked to select an event type from the drop-down list. If none of these eight event types applies to your event, make no selection. But if your event is “free” or “family friendly” or whatever, please select the event type that you feel is most significant. (“Best bets” is reserved for in-house use.)

The other three fields on the right are self-explanatory; just enter the price or price range, supply a phone number (with area code) for the public to call for additional information, and supply a link to the event’s website (if applicable).

That leaves that big white box on the left for your event description. Use this space to tell readers what will be happening at your event. (For a basic nightclub listing, there’s no need to provide any description. Obviously, whoever is listed in the event title will be performing.) If your event is a benefit, say for whom. Is there food? Is there music? If it’s a play, this is where you might want to mention the director and list lead actors, in addition to describing the show. If it’s an art exhibit, tell people what they’ll be seeing (painting, photography, ceramics, etc.).

Whatever you do, do not repeat any of the information requested elsewhere on the form in the event description box. You’ve already covered the event title, dates, times, ticket prices and more. Repeating that information here just reduces the space available for describing the event.

Calendar listings should stick to the facts and not include value judgments. For example, you may call your play a comedy. You may not describe it as “side-splittingly funny.” If you do, this will be edited out before print publication. (Unlike paid advertising, all calendar submissions are subject to editing.)

The best way to figure out what to say in your description is to look at listings for events similar to yours in each Friday’s Lagniappe section of The Times-Picayune.

On a more practical level, your event description is limited to 800 characters and spaces. If you paste a multipage press release into this box, it might look as if it has been accepted. However, when your event arrives in our database, the description will have been truncated after the 800th character, even if that means it is cut off in the middle of a word. Remember, this is a calendar item, not an essay.

Luckily, William Shakespeare provides an example of what can be accomplished in 800 characters in one of Hamlet’s most famous speeches. To see the full text, I had to grab the bottom right corner of the text entry box and drag it down to make the box bigger. At its default size, the text entry box will not display the full 800 characters on one screen (though users can scroll through the text).

800 Characters.jpgIn ‘Hamlet,’ Shakespeare described the effects of clinical depression in just 800 characters and spaces. That’s the limit you must work with when describing your event. (The words underlined in red have been flagged by the software’s built-in spelling checker. In this case, the words are fine, so ignore the underlining.)NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

If you have any question about whether your event description fits or not, paste it into a document and use your word processor’s word/character count tool to measure the text (including the spaces). If your description is shorter than 800 characters, that’s perfectly fine.

Box 5 Blank.jpgCheck all of your work and supply contact information before submitting your event.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

Box 5

The final portion of the event submission form, Box 5, asks for contact information for the person submitting the event. This information is not published or shared. It is used only in case we must contact you with questions about your event.

Before submitting your event, review all of the information you’ve provided on the form to make certain it is accurate. There is no way for users to correct event information after the event has been submitted. Instead, you must email eventhelp@nola.com to ask that one of our staffers correct the event for you. Please provide the name and date(s) of the event so that we can find it to make the needed corrections.

Once everything is in order, you may submit your event. Notice that there is a blue and gray bar saying “Slide to unlock” and a faded blue “Submit event” button at the bottom of the form. In lieu of asking users to type an indecipherable CAPTCHA code, we’re asking users to help reduce calendar spam by “unlocking” the submit button. Do this either by dragging the padlock icon to the right or simply by clicking on the “Slide to unlock” button. That button will turn green, the padlock will open, and the submit button no longer will be faded. You may now click on “Submit event.”

Box 5 Unlocked.jpgUsers may submit their events only after ‘unlocking’ the ‘Submit event’ button, which we hope they will find easier than typing an indecipherable CAPTCHA code.NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

A confirmation window will appear showing you what you have submitted. If you notice errors here, you must email eventhelp@nola.com to ask that one of our staffers make any needed corrections. At the bottom of the confirmation window, there’s an orange button saying “Submit new event.” If you have additional events to enter, clicking this button will return you to a blank event submission form. Otherwise, you can simply go about your business.

Finally, be aware that it can take up to 30 minutes for an event to appear at http://www.nola.com/events. This is the time required for the events database to sync to the live website. Please wait at least 30 minutes before asking us about missing events or resubmitting an event.

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