Developer told it can build next to Grade II* listed building in Haywards Heath

Mid Sussex District Council has approved a plan to build next to a Grade II* listed building.

The plan, heard by the planning committee last night (July 30), is to build a two storey house with a separate garage on land Northeast of Grade II* listed Sunte House, in Birchen Lane, Haywards Heath.

It received 26 letters of objection from residents for reasons including; harm to the setting of a Grade II* listed building, proposal will erode buffer separating Sunte House from Twentieth Century housing, additional traffic on Birchen Lane and High Beech Lane, harm to Townscape Protection Area, invade privacy of house opposite, out of place and too large for site, removal of trees and replacement with brick wall unattractive, and damage to TPO trees.

But the council’s planning officer told councillors: “In terms of benefits the proposal would make a minor contribution to the councils housing land supply and is considered to be appropriate to its context, it would provide employment during the construction phase and a small economic contribution via the New Homes Bonus.

“The proposal includes the retention of the preserved trees to the site frontage and the dwelling will sit comfortably within its plot without causing harm to the Area of Townscape Character or neighbouring amenities, in addition the site is in a sustainable location with good accessibility and safe access.

“Balanced against this is the minor harm to the significance of the Heritage Asset, which carries ‘considerable importance and weight’ in accordance with 66(1) of the Listed Buildings Act.

“Overall it is not considered that the minor harm to the setting of Sunte House, a Grade II* listed building, in this location outweighs the public benefits.

“The proposal is considered to constitute sustainable development within the meaning of The Framework and is therefore recommended for approval.”

Find the application by searching for reference DM/15/2091 on the district council’s planning portal at:

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