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Historic England, a public body in charge of protecting England’s “historic environment”, has classified the mansion as a Grade I building, meaning its preservation is of exceptional interest.
Historic England describes the home as “one of the most significant houses of the English Baroque style”.
Inside the historic home. Photo: Savills
Since 1909 the mansion has been largely uninhabited, with listing agents Savills describing the home as “historic” ruins.
The current owners bought it in 1987 and began restoration work.
The east wing has been restored and is used for wedding receptions, but the rest of the building is uninhabitable.
Any restorations will have to be approved by the heritage body and will come at a cost, current owner John Owen told the Daily Mail.
“If anyone wanted to restore the house it would be possible, subject to the necessary permissions, but it would need to be somebody with deep pockets as it would cost about £8-£10 million [$16-$20 million] to restore it completely,” Owen said.
The manor is part of a sprawling estate, which is divided into two sections, Appuldurcombe House and Appuldurcombe Farm. In total there are nine residential properties between them.
There are four other cottages in the grounds of Appuldurcombe House, some used as holiday rentals, as well as a falconry that was opened in 1998.
The falconry is a popular attraction of the property and includes a cafe, shop, children’s play area and aviary.
Appuldurcombe Farm has two farmhouses, a cottage and a dairy.
The estate is on 116 hectares of grazing land, with other areas of the Isle of Wight designated for conservation and classified as an “area of outstanding natural beauty”.
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