Florida Travel: Celebrate state’s 500th anniversary with a visit to wonderful …

DINING The arrival of the French, then the British, caused St Augustine residents to flee to Havana, but today the traffic is going the other way. Manny and Janett, a Cuban/Ecuadorean couple, run one of America’s great breakfast spots: La Harencia (www.laharenciacafe.com , 4 Aviles St, 904-829-9487). Their Guajiro (black beans, pork, salsa, and cheese on Cuban toast) with café con leche and warm-from-the-oven pastries guarantee a fine start to your day. (Salsa and tango in the evening).Quirky treats (samples too) can be enjoyed at Fudge Buckets (www.fudgebuckets.com 40 Charlotte St, 904-342-7571), a friendly emporium that serves palate-blasters like Seven Pepper Fudge (a Caramel Sea Salt chaser is recommended). Open till 2AM. The Ancient Olive (www.theancientolive.com ) 47 King St, 904-827-1899, is a global trip via oils and vinegars. Diners who’ve enjoyed the Bistro de Leon (www.bistrodeleon.com , 12 Cathedral Place, 904-810-2100) include culinary star Paul Bocuse—an experience Chef Poinard compared to “cooking for God.” Enough said. (Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.)

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