FIFA 14 listed for PS4 by Amazon Germany

PS4 release suggested for this year’s FIFA – but will it be here day and date with current-gen versions?

FIFA 13 screenshotFIFA 13 screenshot

FIFA 14 is in development for PlayStation 4, according to a listing on Amazon Germany.

EA Sports’ unannounced football title appears on the retailer’s website in its PlayStation 4 section, alongside previously announced PS4 titles Killzone: Shadow Fall, DriveClub, Watch Dogs and Destiny.

The game is also listed for release on current-gen platforms, including PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

EA Sports has yet to formally reveal FIFA 14 or announce intended platforms, but it has previously suggested that a next-gen version could be in development.

Last month, EA CEO John Riccitiello said that “Battlefield and FIFA are going to help [EA] lead as we move into the next set of technology opportunities and platform opportunities,” and that the publisher has already “signalled that [it’s] working on the next editions” of Battlefield and FIFA.

EA Sports typically reveals each year’s FIFA title around May time. But with the next-generation arriving, could EA be positioning itself to announce this year’s football game slightly earlier?
