May7ven’s sister listed for UK award

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Funmi Odegbami, sister of May7ven and a member of the Black Women in Europe Power List, has received nominations in the categories of “Best Makeup Artist” of the year and “Best Educator” of the year at the prestigious Women4africa Awards 2013.  

The 2nd annual awards will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at The Great Hall, Kensington.

Funmi established herself as a major player in the field with her impressive portfolio, which includes work on the catwalk,  TV, music videos, events, celebrities and more.  

Women4africa is a UK organisation, focusing on empowering African women by supporting their roles in their communities via conferences, supporting education and awarding prestigious awards, recognitions and special honours on such women nominated by the public.

Women4africa Awards is one of the organisation’s major events held annually in London where a number of nominated women are rewarded for their hard work and creativity.