Summer holiday fun at Polegate Windmill – events listed

Published on Sat Jul 30 15:24:51 BST 2011

Summer holidays are here again and it is often difficult to know how to entertain the children through all those days of freedom.

Polegate Windmill helps solve these problems for each Wednesday in August by offering educational events for both child and parent.

Wednesday 3rd August is Historical Food Day. Session One 11a.m. – 1p.m. Session Two 2.30p.m. – 4.30p.m. Come and try your hand at being a Breadmaker or a Cook. A Tour of the mill is given after each session. Organiser Mrs. P Stevens – Tel 01323 734496. From 5 years admission £3.00 – Adults £1.00.

Wednesday 10th August. Mill Art Afternoon. Drawing and painting tuition for all ages. 2.00p.m. – 5.00p.m. Artist in residence Mr. Peter Martin – Tel: 01323 731514. £1.00 including Adults.

Wednesday 17th August. Quizzes and Competitions. 2.00p.m. – 5.00p.m. Mrs. S. Creasy – Tel: 01323 736899. Admission £1.00 Adults 50p

Wednesday 24th August. Windmill Book Readings in the Mill. 2.00p.m. – 5.00p.m. Mrs. J. Wells Tel: 01323 487671.

Each event except cooking day begins with a guided tour of the mill at 2.00p.m. where participants can use the knowledge gleaned in the art and quiz days. Tours of the mill and all materials provided are included in the cost.

All enquiries and bookings to each event organiser please.

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