Infrastructure company partner lists Seabrook 3BD

John F. Teter has listed for sale a three-bedroom, 3.5-bath home at 2517 Breaux Terrace in Seabrook for $425,000.

Teter acquired the home in the Lake Cove subdivision in Sept. 2005 from Robin and Walter S. Greene. Barbara Wall of Coldwell Banker is the agent for the listing.

Mr. Teter works as a lead project management partner at Featherwood Capital LLC, a developer of infrastructure. Prior to this, he worked as a systems engineer at System and Software Designers and an engineering manager and subsystem engineer at Lockheed Martin.

He attended the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

According to, there have been 177 home sales in Seabrook during the past 12 months.

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