- The 52-year-old submitted the plans to Tower Hamlets council last July
- Five-floor home in Spitalfields, London, would join on to her work studio
- Turner Prize nominee hopes to bring home and work life under one roof
- Local authority expected to refuse and artist has appealed to Inspectorate
- One opponent has described Ms Emin’s move as ‘extremely aggressive’
Alexander Robertson For Mailonline
Artist Tracey Emin has found herself in the middle of a planning row
Artist Tracey Emin has found herself in the middle of a planning row after submitting a bid to knock down a listed building and build a new home in Spitalfields.
The 52-year-old submitted a planning application to Tower Hamlets council in July to replace the building with a five-floor house in Bell Lane.
The Turner Prize nominee hopes to bring her home and work life under one roof, as the five-floor home would be connected to her studio in Tenter Ground, a former weaving works built by Flemish refugees which she bought in 2008.
However opponents to the plans have criticised the move, according to the Evening Standard, claiming that historic buildings in the area were in danger of being lost.
Tower Hamlet’s development control committee is due to rule on the plans on Wednesday, with councillors expected to agree with the recommendation of officers to refuse on heritage grounds.
A report prepared ahead of the meeting stated: ‘The proposed development would result in the total demolition of a locally listed building at Bell Lane and would therefore result in the loss of a non-designated heritage asset.
‘The loss of this locally listed building causes harm, albeit less than substantial harm, to the designated heritage asset, Artillery Passage Conservation Area.
‘The proposal does not preserve or enhance the conservation area nor is design of the replacement building of sufficient architectural and townscape merit, to deliver a public benefit that would outweigh the harm to the conservation area.’
The artist has submitted plans to demolish this building in Bell Lane, Spitalfields, and replace it with a five-floor home attached to her work studio
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In anticipation of the result, a planning appeal has already been launched by experts on behalf of Ms Emin, for the Planning Inspectorate to rule on the case.
SAVE Britain’s Heritage director Clem Cecil said: ‘This is an extremely aggressive move on the part of applicant Tracey Emin and suggests that she wishes to force this through the planning process, whatever the opinion of the councillors, local people or preservation groups.’
A Tower Hamlets spokesman confirmed an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate had been lodged last weekend, meaning it was likely the local authority would not have the final say on the plans.
Tower Hamlet’s development control committee is due to rule on the plans on Wednesday, with councillors expected to agree with the recommendation of officers to refuse on heritage grounds
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