Marlins mascot Billy listed among coaching staff on team’s web site

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Coach Billy! (MLB)

With legendary slugger Barry Bonds considering a job with the Miami Marlins as one of their hitting coaches, he ought to consider who else is on manager Don Mattingly’s staff. And not just Frank Menechino, the newly hired hitting coach who would have to figure out how to delegate with Bonds — but also someone down the list of 19 staff members:

Billy the Marlin, the team’s 8-feet-tall fish mascot. Think it’s not possible? Christina De Nicola, a reporter who has covered the Marlins, pointed it out on Twitter on Tuesday:

Right between infield coordinator Jorge Hernandez and catching coordinator Bobby Ramos! What is Billy teaching the Marlins? Here are his traits:

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  • An absolute master of pantomime
  • An eternal optimist — no matter what
  • A natural-born clown/comic/mimic and good-natured prankster (always in good taste). Anything concerning baseball is considered “fair game”
  • Innovative — makes do with what he has to work with
  • Occasionally clumsy, but maintains a sense of decorum
  • Always manages to come out on top in the end
  • When fishing, it’s always for fans, ball players or umpires. Bait is giant over-sized food or drink found at the ball park (hot dogs, peanuts in shells, pizza, etc.)
  • Slippery and evasive, this magnificent fish could very easily be the leader of the “untouchables”

“Slippery and evasive” — not unlike the Marlins front office. Also note “eternal optimist,” if you’re considering applying for a job as a broadcaster with the team.

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