The food standards agency has revealed which of the largest high street chains have the highest proportion of top-score hygiene ratings.
The UK Government body, which is responsible for the five star rating scheme, has released which big names have the highest level of food hygiene to celebrate five years of the scheme.
The ratings are determined by local authority food safety officers and run from zero to five – with a five rating meaning very good food hygiene standards.
Here we list the 20 that made the list along with the percentage of their locations that have five stars.
We also detail the top five alongside the most recent ratings at their Teesside outlets.
JD Wetherspoons – 93.1%
The Swatters Carr
The Half Moon Inn, West Precinct, Billingham
5 stars (last inspection June 30, 2014)
The Highland Laddie, High Street, Norton
5 stars (last inspection November 27, 2013)
The Thomas Sheraton, Bridge Road, Stockton
5 stars (last inspection January 23, 2014)
The Resolution (Lloyds Bar), Newport Crescent, Middlesbrough