Dance music festivals in UK have increased by 500 per cent in 15 years

Ticketmaster’s State of Play: Dance Music Report, an investigation analysing data pertaining to the live UK dance music industry, reveals there has been a 500 per cent increase in the number of UK dance music festivals operating since 2000.

While clubs remain the most popular destination for UK dance music event attendees, with 60 per cent of the 1017 surveyed having been to a club in the past three years, 51 per cent have visited a festival, a figure pointing towards a growing prominence of festivals in the UK dance scene.

This news follows reports in summer that
nearly half of the UK’s nightclubs have shut down in the past ten years.

James Barton, Live Nation’s president of electronic music, pointed to the higher production value of EDM festivals as one reason for this trend: “First and foremost these festivals are just much more exciting. As a young person there is just so much more on offer at a major electronic show.

“People talk about DJs being the new rock stars, but they’ve gone past that. I’ve seen some of these guys produce shows at a level way beyond even successful rock stars. We are living in the ‘age of experience’, simply serving something up isn’t enough, the kids want more.”

Further findings in the report support this view. 14 per cent of people surveyed are ready to spend over £150 on a festival while only 10 per cent of people are prepared to spend over £50 on clubbing.

Additionally, only 63 per cent of dance music event attendees listed dance music among their favourite genres, joint top with pop, while 25 to 29-years-old is the age range most likely to feel club events are a “must-have for a true dance fan”.

Photo: Marc De Groot]