Grosvenor pub in Stockwell listed as Asset of Community Value as CAMRA calls …


The Grosvenor pub on Sidney Road in Stockwell has been successfully listed by the Campaign for Real Ale as an Asset of Community Value with Lambeth Council. This means that should the historic pub ever be placed for sale, CAMRA will have a six month moratorium period in which to prepare a market value bid.

The Grosvenor was bought by property developer Golfrate in April 2013. The pub closed in August 2014 with the landlord unsure about what the future might hold.

A planning application was submitted by Golfrate for private flats on the top two floors in July of 2014. This was refused by Lambeth Council a month later.


Despite not having any planning permission to change the use of the downstairs pub, Golfrate gutted the historic interior of the building in March of this year.

Comments posted on the urban75 Brixton board hinted that Golfrate now intends to put the space “to retail.”

Speaking about the Asset of Community Value status, CAMRA’s Valerie Farnell said:

“This is a really excellent move which a lot of people got behind. It is so sad to walk past a pub which used to be so vibrant and see it boarded up.

It is a real community asset and I am glad Lambeth have recognised this. We just need it now to be reopened as a music pub and not turned into another convenience store, estate agents or more flats.”

Local Vassall ward Cllr Paul Gadsby added:

“CAMRA and local residents deserve praise for their ongoing campaign to keep the Grosvenor alive. It is now the turn of the current owners to end their year long silence and make clear what their plans are for the building.

Under its previous owner the pub was successful, well run and had no trouble keeping itself going financially as well as supporting local music talent. Nobody I have spoken to wants to see this building turned into flats: it should go back to being a thriving pub.”

You can discuss the Grosvenor and other Brixton pubs under the threat of closure over on the urban75 boards.

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