Barnstaple’s former Shapland and Petter building listed by Historic England

11:48 04 September 2015

The former Leaderflush Shapland factory in Barnstaple. Picture: Andy Keeble

The former Leaderflush Shapland factory in Barnstaple. Picture: Andy Keeble


Oliver Buildings are Grade II listed in recognition of their architectural or historic interest.

The former Leaderflush Shapland factory in Barnstaple. Picture: Andy KeebleThe former Leaderflush Shapland factory in Barnstaple. Picture: Andy Keeble

The former Shapland and Petter buildings at Taw Wharf in Barnstaple have been listed by Historic England.

The former factory, known as the ‘Oliver Buildings’, is likely to be converted into a boutique hotel as part of the ongoing Anchorwood Bank development.

The decision to acknowledge the building as a Grade II structure of special architectural or historic interest was made on August 17.

The buildings, which were used to make arts and crafts-style furniture, were built in 1888 to designs by local architect William Clement Oliver, whose work in Barnstaple is characterised by his good detailing and decorative use of polychrome materials.

The former Leaderflush Shapland factory in Barnstaple. Picture: Andy KeebleThe former Leaderflush Shapland factory in Barnstaple. Picture: Andy Keeble

They were built to replace Shapland and Petter’s old mill factory at Raleigh, which was destroyed by fire on March 5, 1888.

The report by Historic England said: “After the disastrous fire on the former mill site, the firm was anxious to guard against fire wherever possible in the new factory.

“To this end, the ranges were built with timber doors faced on either side with galvanised iron; 3-inch thick timber was used for floorboards; and the stairs were constructed in concrete and brick, within a stair bay which was separated from the ranges on either side by solid walls which extended the full height of the structure, emerging as raised verges at the roofs.

“The flat-roofed stair bays carried large water tanks to feed the Grinnell Automatic Sprinkler System, a design imported from the United States, which was a recent evolution of the sprinkler systems which had been developed there since the 1850s.

“Ten hydrants were installed, with hoses on every landing. Electric lighting was installed throughout, to avoid the danger of naked flames. The company also set up its own fire brigade, which was regularly drilled, and even loaned its services elsewhere in the town.”

In 2009 the factory still employed some 300 people but closed for good in February 2013.

The buildings were considered for listing in 2000, but were rejected on the grounds that the buildings were not sufficiently distinguished in architectural terms.

You can view the full listing report here.

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