Surprisingly it’s already attracted 133 bids.
The online auction – listed as ‘Shithouse crap caravan – suitable for dogging / sordid affairs / murdering‘ – was posted after the user’s husband got drunk and thought it would be a good idea to go on an eBay spree.
In a refreshingly honest (bordering on scathing) description, user Linzhead writes: ‘Apparently I owned this utterly crap caravan for three weeks before actually setting eyes on it.
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‘My husband drunkenly bought it on eBay, and neglected to mention that one day he’d taken the day off work and driven halfway across the country to pick it up.’
But before you label the husband a cheat, Linzhead adds: ‘I’m the trusting type, and despite appearances I don’t think he bought it solely for the purpose of having a sordid extra-marital affair or taking up dogging, however as you might be able to see from the pictures, it would be PERFECT for both. Also pretty useful if you’re thinking of getting into murdering.’
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Hoping that the caravan could be destined for fame, the description adds: ‘I considered contacting the producers of The Fall to see if they wanted it for set dressing the next series – let’s face it I’d sell my entire family for a chance to look upon Jamie Dornan with my real live eyes – but, well, life is short and eBay has been a good friend to me.’
It’s not all bad, the caravan does come with the basic four walls, a roof, wheels and, the seller reckons the interior décor is an unparalleled version of ‘shabby shit’.

Oh, and there’s a ‘free idiot husband’ in it for the winning bidder.
The auction has already reached more than £75,500, but it’s unlikely all are genuinely interested in owning the clapped out ‘van.
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