Residents have objected to an outline planning application to build seven homes outside a Sleaford area village, linked to the restoration of a Grade II listed manor house on English Heritage’s ‘At Risk’ register.
The scheme by Cooper Brothers of Butterwick would see seven detached, two storey homes built on a field east of George Street, a narrow, single track lane outside Helpringham’s current curtilage.
According to a planning officer’s report to the North Kesteven District Council planning sub-committee set to meet on August 25, the applicant has stated they would be prepared to widen the road to 5.5m along part of the frontage if necessary.
The application was originally submitted to help fund the repair and restoration of the Helpringham Manor, situated on The Green, currently on the Heritage At Risk register. The report says urgent repairs have been carried out to prevent it collapsing, but significant investment is needed. The old farmhouse dates back to the 15th century in parts.
The main house dates from the 17th century with a domed hooded front doorway. Internally, the house has many significant features from the 18th century too.
It has remained unoccupied for 30 years and the rear wing is supported with scaffolding. Planned repairs and alterations would see the building made into two dwellings. Officers recommend permission for the manor, with archaeological studies to be made in advance of work.
Some neighbours have objected to the housing development concerned at increased traffic and effects on the character of the village.
Planning officers have recommended approval, with a proviso that developers must fund two affordable homes if the Manor house is not restored.