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The 836-square-metre apartment is split into two wings, with a 50-metre-long hallway. The city wing houses the bedrooms and the living areas are in the park wing.
The apartment has been kitted out by interior design team Candy Candy, which has opted for a monochrome palette that incorporates plenty of marble.
One Hyde Park offers residents high-end facilities, including a golf simulator and a wine cellar.
Other extras include a 24-hour concierge service provided by neighbouring hotel The Mandarin Oriental, a private cinema, wine storage, and a luxury gym, pool and spa.
However, this listing doesn’t come close to being the priciest One Hyde Park sale.
A Ukrainian billionaire reportedly paid £136.4 million for a penthouse in 2011, setting a London record. The penthouse was bought as two separate apartments, which were combined.
That record was broken by another One Hyde Park apartment, which sold for £140 million in 2014 to another Eastern European buyer, the ABC reported.
If the sale prices seem a little out of your price range, you can rent one of these apartments.
Another five-bedroom unit in the prestigious complex is available for a cool £195,000 a month. It shouldn’t take too long to save up the bond.
Comparatively, this London apartment is six times more expensive than Australia’s priciest apartment.
Bondi Beach shares the record for Australia’s most expensive apartment sale of $25 million. It was set last year when former Multiplex chief Andrew Roberts bought the amalgamated penthouse in the Bondi Pacific development.
In Melbourne, the penthouse of super skyscraper Australia 108 sold for $25 million in April.
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