Magna Carta: Guildford Cathedral hosts facsimile and replica seal

A facsimile of the Magna Carta and replica seal have gone on display at Guildford Cathedral as part of worldwide celebrations to celebrate the 800th anniversary.

The facsimile and replica seal are on loan from Salisbury Cathedral, and will be on display until August 8 in the Cathedral Treasury.

The display is part of a series of events taking part at the cathedral, including lectures, a quilt exhibition telling the story of Magna Carta and a family fun day, all listed below.

Roger Heath-Bullock, the curator of the treasury at Guildford Cathedral, explained the facsimile is one of only 13 high quality facsimile produced of Salisbury’s Magna Carta.

“The facsimile is a perfect replica of the original and if you put the two together side by side you can’t tell the difference, you have the warts and all,” Mr Heath-Bullock said.

Mr Heath-Bullock explained people from the USA, Germany and Poland had already visited the exhibition.

“It is a very difficult thing to put together, there are not that many artefacts on that period. It has been quite difficult getting artefacts, we have been working on it for nine months, I have become famous for small exhibition on low budgets,” Mr Heath-Bullock said.

Events at Guildford Cathedral to celebrate Magna Carta

Art workshop, Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum, Wednesday June 10-Friday June 12

Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF) will take part in celebrations, deepening our understanding of the role Magna Carta has played in the development of human rights, democracy and liberty. SMEF members will create a piece of 3D art on the floor of Guildford Cathedral, led by artist Marios Panteli. The art work will be on display in the nave until Friday June 12.

‘Runnymede Surprise Maximus’ peal, Sunday June 14

A day before the national celebration of the anniversary, a peal called ‘Runnymede Surprise Maximus’ will be rung on the Cathedral bells in recognition of where the Magna Carta was sealed under oath by King John in 1215. The same day a specially commissioned anthem, which will be sung across the nation during celebrations, will be performed by the Cathedral Choir of Evensong.

‘Magna Carta: the Bible of the English Constitution or a Disgrace to the English Nation?’ lecture by Lord Neuberger, Thursday June 18 7.45pm

The lecture will be chaired by The Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams, Dean of Guildford.

Lord Neuberger will discuss the perceptions and influence of the Great Charter over the ensuing 800 years and explains why the two fundamental modern constitutional principles of democratic government and the rule of law can be traced back to Magna Carta and why they are so important today.

Magna Carta Quilts-800 years of History and Legacy in Cloth, Friday June 19-Saturday August 8

The Magna Carta Quilters are a group of quilters living in the Runnymede area who are making a series of eight quilts to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.

The Magna Carta Quilts constitute four medieval quilts and four legacy quilts. The four medieval quilts tell of how the Magna Carta came to be, they are rendered in a graphic novel style based on illustrations and colours used in the 13th century illuminated manuscripts. The four legacy scripts are modern and depict images and words of people speaking out and acting on behalf of various Human Rights issues across the centuries.

The significance of Magna Carta’ lecture by Professor Justin Champion, Monday June 29 7.45pm

The lecture is chaired by The Reverend Canon Dr Julie Gittoes.

Professor Champion will explore the significance of the text from the first printing and translations in the early sixteenth century through the reworking of the common lawyer Sir Edward Coke.

The lecture will explore how tradition not only authorised the rule of law and due process but empowered minorities and radical voices to challenge state power.

Magna Carta: Charter for our times or antiquarian icon?’ lecture by the Revd Robin Griffiths, Tuesday July 21 7.45pm

The lecture is chaired by The Venerable Stuart Beake. Reverend Robin Griffiths explores the celebrations of Magna Carta, what are they intended to achieve? What good will be in place or under way by the end of 2015 that would not have been without the anniversary’s celebration? What more should we, the heirs of Magna Carta, be undertaking in our own time to do justice to this ancient document?

Magna Carta Family Fun Day, Saturday July 25 11am-3pm

The free Magna Carta Family Activity Day will include a range of Magna Carta inspired family friendly activities for ages 3-12 including crafting, special trails and storytelling.

Further information on all the Magna Carta themed events at Guildford Cathedral can be found HERE.

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