Special Highland area church events listed – Belleville News

EvUCC services broadcast on local cable

Sunday worship services of the Evangelical United Church of Christ in Highland are being recorded and can be viewed on Highland Communications Services Channel 3 on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and on the following Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. All services are available at each of these times. Also, videos of these services, as well as videos of other events in the life of the church, can be viewed online at evucc.org.

Troy UMC plan concerts

Music and Drama Camp

The Music and Drama Camp will be held the mornings of June 8-11 and is an opportunity for children in grades 1-5 to learn the Christian principles through the fine arts of music and drama. Students will learn basic music and acting skills while preparing for a performance of all we have learned on the last day of camp June 11 at 11 a.m. The camp will be held at Troy United Methodist, 407 Edwardsville Road in Troy. This event is under the direction of Emily Ottwein. Registration is open now. The cost per child is $35 and space is limited. For more information, contact the church at 667-6241 or visit the church website at www.troyumc.org.

‘Encounter’ youth choir concert

Encounter, the premiere high school student youth choir from the greater Alton area, will be in concert at Troy United Methodist Church in the Family Life Center, on Sunday, June 7 at 6 pm.

Don’t miss the energy and enthusiasm of nearly 100 voices singing praise.

There is no charge and a free will offering will be taken.

Pentecostals of Troy plan events

Gospel Hour

The church will host a Gospel Hour on June 14 at 5 p.m. These services are designed to bring racial harmony in the St. Louis metro area.

Kidz Summer Bash

A Kidz Summer Bash will be offered June 22-25 from 6:30 to 8:30p.m., nightly, for ages 4-11. Monday night will be “Get Your Game On Bash.” Tuesday night will be “Splish Slpash Bash,.” Wednesday night will be “Super Hero Bash,” and Thursday night will be “Kidz Summer Bash Finale.”

For more information on any of these event, visit the online church at www.pentecostalsoftroy.org, “Like” The Pentecostals of Troy on Facebook, Follow @PentecostalTroy on Twitter, email revbb63@aol.com or call 667-6054.