31 stunning images inside the oldest church in Warwickshire

After events like the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, here’s an extraordinary place with a sense of real perspective.

Nestled on a striking hilltop in Wootton Wawen close to the River Alne (once the Alwen), the Grade I listed building is known as The Saxon Sanctuary.

Dating back to least the 10th century means it has borne witness not just to the First and Second World Wars, but the 1066 Battle of Hastings and the issuing of the peace-making Magna Carta charter in 1215.

And all the wars from the past millennium that we learn about at school, too, from the Wars of the Roses (1455-87), the American War of Independence (1775-1783), The French Revolution (1787-1799) and the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815).

Not forgetting, of course, everything from health crises including smallpox and cholera to The Black Death (1348-75) and Spanish Flu (1918)!

The Hundred Years War with France from 1337 to 1453 is especially relevant – because the local French monks lost their rights to the tithes and the Priory sank into decline.#

In 1443, it was closed by Henry VI, the church and its estates were given to his new King’s College in Cambridge, which is still patron of the parish.

The great Perpendicular style 'Te Derum' window
The great Perpendicular style ‘Te Derum’ window


St Peter’s itself survived near collapse in the 17th century and was resorted by the Victorians in 1850 and 1881.

A wallboard lists nearly 70 vicars of Wootten Wawen with appointment dates since 1190 (Richard the Lionheart’s reign).

The church’s flyer describes it as: “the most ancient church in Shakespeare’s county… a history book in stone – from its Saxon transept and Norman window to its Perpendicular-style decorative battlements and finials, restored in 2011”.

A simple but informative Saxon Sanctuary Exhibition has been running since 1999.

Clearly important in local history terms, but easy to overlook on the drive from Birmingham to Stratford-upon-Avon, I’d never been inside the church before.

Once I’d reached the 15th century Tudor archway entrance and then foolishly overlooked the warning on the oak door to mind the step, my feelings inside were summed up by one of the most recent entries in the visitors’ book.

On New Year’s Eve 2014, Trish Adams and Steve McFadyen from Solihull had written: “After 50 years of passing the church – finally decided to pay a visit – marvellous – will return”.

To help you to understand this church and to make the most of the surrounding area is a Parochial Church Council of Wootton Wawen publication from 1999 called The Saxon Sanctuary (£3 by donation, inside the entrance).

Author Donald Graham’s 36-page labour of love is still in pamphlet form 15 years later, but no less interesting or detailed than a real book would have been.

“Every stage of English church architecture is reflected in St Peter’s,” he writes.

“Every structural crisis that can afflict a church is also evident in its stones.”

It incorporates David Daymond’s A Trail Around St Peter’s, a definitive 50-point guide to making the most of your visit.

How else would you know, for example, that the 15th century oak pulpit with delicately carved leaf-tracery panels has an 18th century stair balustrade, restored in 1881 by H R Franklin at the then very great cost of £1,850 to George Gilbert Scott’s design.

The tower is 6ft high and 15ft square, with 2ft-3ft rubblestone walls and three floors, with six bells dating from the 16th-19th century ranging in weight between four to 10 cwt.

In the floor of the chancel is the monument of a Catholic lady who died in 1718 which says: Hodi mini Gras tibia – ‘it’s me today, you tomorrow’.

As Wootton Wawen’s turn of the millennium priest Canon Lawrence Mortimer wrote in 1999: “This droll monument says all that needs to be said about Time. It’s too short.

“This exhibition is a sum of the stories of lots of little lives.

“Some may have been great lives, but in the context of 2,000 years, all were little.

“Every lord, every peasant, every child has given the gift of their lifetime to help create the whole story.

“And the story continues with us.”

What you need to know

Monitored by CCTV, entry to St Peter’s is free every day from 8.45am to around dusk.

By car: five miles from Stratford-upon-Avon on the A3400. Online postcode ref: B95 6EE.

By train: hourly between Stratford-upon-Avon to Birmingham Moor Street – stops at Wootton Wawen by request, Monday to Saturday.

Websites: www.saxonsanctuary.org.uk or www.woottenwawen-pc.gov.uk