- Dozens of agents from the FBI, Florida fraud department, and local police closed entrances to the building that houses Med-Care in Boca Raton
- Porush is a top executive at Med-Care and inspired the character portrayed by actor Jonah Hill in the hit film
- Porush and his wife Lisa left office on Wednesday afternoon and drove off in a white and silver Rolls-Royce coupe
- Several of his sons work at the firm as well as his step-son and daughter
- Second wife Lisa, who he had an affair with, is listed as Med-Care’s vice-president
- The website has now gone down following news of raid
- Company was accused of scamming Medicare in a lawsuit but a federal judge threw out the case
Jill Reilly for MailOnline
Paul Thompson
The FBI have raided the Florida offices of Danny Porush, partner in crime of the real life Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfonte.
Dozens of agents, Florida fraud department, and
local police closed entrances to the building that houses
Med-Care Diabetic Medical Supplies Inc.
They were seen removing boxes of files from the Boca Raton office, one of the witnesses
FBI agents have raided the Florida offices of Danny Porush, partner in crime of the real life Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfonte. Pictured: Federal and state law enforcement officials gather outside the office of Med-Care Diabetic and Medical Supplies company during a raid
Porush (left) is a top executive at Med-Care and inspired the character portrayed by actor Jonah Hill (right) in the hit film Wolf of Wall Street
After his release from prison in 2004, Porush began working as a truck driver for his wife’s company which supplied beauty products. He then became involved with Med-Care
FBI agents walk outside the office in Boca Raton, Florida on Wednesday
A lawyer for the company, Justin Weddle, said Med-Care’s attorneys had tried to make contact with an agent on the case in July and offered to answer any questions, but never heard back
‘We’re a little disappointed with the process that was followed today but Med-Care remains and will be ready, willing and able to provide full cooperation in this inquiry,’ a lawyer told reporters outside Med-Care’s offices
Porush is a top executive at Med-Care and inspired the character portrayed by actor Jonah Hill in the film which told the story of defunct brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont Inc.
Porush’s wife Lisa is Med-Care’s vice-president and several of his sons work at the company.
An FBI spokesman said the agency is conducting ‘law
enforcement activity in the vicinity’ when asked about
witnesses’ details, but declined further comment.
Porush and his wife Lisa were seen leaving the office around 3:30 p.m. ET.
They declined to answer reporters’ questions and drove off in a white and silver Rolls-Royce coupe.
A lawyer for the company, Justin Weddle, said Med-Care’s attorneys had tried to make contact with an agent on the case in July and offered to answer any questions, but never heard back.
‘We’re a little disappointed with the process that was followed today but Med-Care remains and will be ready, willing and able to provide full cooperation in this inquiry,’ Weddle told reporters outside Med-Care’s offices.
Porush walks past a Ferrari super-car parked outside his luxury condo building on the way to his waiting chauffeur-driven SUV in January last year
Danny Porush (left) married his second wife Lisa Krause (right) after dumping first wife Nancy. The pair are pictured here in January 2014
The majority of the company’s 200 employees at the beige, low-slung concrete office complex in Boca Raton left the office shortly after law enforcement officials arrived around 9:30 a.m., said Bob Pearl, who works in a neighboring office.
About a half mile from Med-Care’s offices a handful of FBI agents also cleared out nearly two dozen boxes and a dozen computers from LMC Medical Supplies, which shares executives with Med-Care including Lisa Porush.
Danny Porush’s name does not appear on any company literature with Dr Steven Silverman listed as President.
In 2014, a former Med-Care employee filed a complaint in federal court in Florida accusing Porush and the company of engaging in Medicare fraud by using aggressive and misleading telemarketers to sell unneeded medical equipment to patients.
The lawsuit was brought by Tiffany Bumbury, who worked for three months as a telemarketer at a Med-Care affiliate until she was terminated around November 2010.
The lawsuit alleged telemarketers were instructed to say whatever was necessary to make a sale.
His son, Blake Porush (pictured) is listed as Director of Orthopedic Division at Med Care
His other son Jon, (pictured) who is listed as the chief operating officer for Med-Care. Last year he leapt to his father’s defense to claim the film is wrong to depict his father as a greedy drug fuelled crook
The company’s website has now gone down following news of raid on Wednesday afternoon
According to its Facebook page, Med-Care was founded in 1999 on ‘the highest principles’
For example, they pronounced the name Med-Care like ‘Medicare’; offered products for free; and said they were calling on behalf of the ‘Christian Healthcare Network’ or the ‘Christian Diabetic Network’ and that proceeds would be donated to charitable causes, she said.
Silverman called the lawsuit a ‘totally frivolous’ act of a disgruntled former employee.
He said Bumbury’s allegation of its telemarketers cold-calling was a ‘bald-faced lie’ and the company only contacted people who had given their express consent to be called.
Judge Kenneth L. Ryskamp found that Bumbury did not provide enough evidence to back up her claim and threw out the case.
In April 2013, Silverman was called to appear before a Senate Sub Committee on Financial and Contracting Oversight investigating Medicare Fraud after it was found they had overbilled for hundreds of medical items worth $145,000.
The company came under investigation after contacting a doctor in Missouri requesting approval for expensive supplies that she did not request.
Porush did not give evidence at the panel.
Porush’s name does not appear on any company literature with Dr Steven Silverman listed as President
The 56-year-old, and his partner Jordan Belfort – played by Leonardo DiCaprio still owe $200million to those they scammed.
But far from living in poverty, Porush is enjoying a life of multi-millionaire splendor to the fury of his thousands of victims, conned in their now-infamous ‘pump and dump’ scheme.
And neither is he afraid to show off his wealth – last year Porush moved into a stunning condominium in the Bal Harbour residences on Miami Beach.
He and his second wife have even been seen driving matching Rolls Royce convertibles, which can cost $350,000 a-piece.
Their luxurious waterfront home is in one of the most sought after residences in Florida with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean.
A letter obtained by MailOnline and sent by the US District Attorney in New York to the judge who jailed Porush makes it clear he still owes millions.
The letter written to Judge John Gleeson says: ‘Porush was ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $200.425,851.31, plus interest’.
After his release from prison in 2004, Porush began working as a truck driver for his wife’s company which supplied beauty products.
He then became involved with Med-Care.
Porush has been able to legally avoid paying back any more cash to his victims because everything is in his wife’s name, which makes him a kept man and would make any divorce battle very interesting.
The Porush family live in a $7.5m condo in Bal Harbour, Miami Beach – one of the most sought after addresses in Florida with sweeping views of the Atlantic
The Porush family condo at Bal Harbour overlooks the Atlantic
MailOnline has been told that Porush and his wife had matching Rolls Royce Corniche convertibles
Both homes are in the name of his wife Lisa and a source told MailOnline that the matching Rolls Royce convertibles driven by the couple were also in her name.
The drug-fuelled excesses of Porush and Belfort are laid bare in Wolf of Wall St. which received a nomination for Best Film in the 2014 Oscars.
Di Caprio got an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Belfort while Hill has a nomination as Best Supporting Actor for his role playing a character based on Porush.
In the film Hill’s name is Danny Azoff. Producers changed the name after Porush threatened to sue.
He was unhappy with the film and the book Belfort wrote about his exploits. Belfort has said Porush was his right hand man and held the position of President of the Stratton Oakmont firm.
The pair ran the company from Long Island and for more than five years cheated investors out of money.
Much of the money earned by Porush and Belfort was squandered on drugs and prostitutes.
The film depicts the excesses enjoyed by the close friends.
When the FBI began an investigation into the company Belfort and Porush fully cooperated and ‘ratted out’ many colleagues to get a lighter sentence.
While Belfort has reveled in all the publicity from the Oscar nominated movie Wolf of Wall St Porush has kept a very low profile.
He has given only one interview to the magazine Mother Jones where he disputed some of the outrageous incidents depicted in the film and in Belfort’s book on which the movie is based.
He did, however, did say a scene where his character played by Jonah Hill eats a live goldfish was true.
He denied that staff at the firm took part in a dwarf throwing contest – but admits dwarves were invited to a party. He added that a story in Belfort’s book that he had threesome with his friend were untrue.
After being held in custody for three months after his arrest in 1998, he dumped his wife Nancy in favor of his mistress, Lisa Krause, who he went on to marry after his release from jail.
Belfort was jailed for 22 months while Porush got 39 months.
Both were given reduced sentences for their co-operation with prosecutors and ordered to pay restitution to the people they defrauded with US Government officials admitting only a fraction has ever been handed over.
Belfort was ordered to pay 50 per cent of his future annual income but Porush was not subject to such an order.
His son Jon, who is listed as the chief operating officer for Med-Care, has leapt to his father’s defense to claim the film is wrong to depict his father as a greedy drug fuelled crook.
‘The characterizations I’ve seen could not be more inaccurate,’ said the 27-year-old.
‘Danny has been a great father to me and my seven other siblings.
‘He is the type of dad my friends wish they had.
‘Danny committed a variety of white-collar crimes almost 20 years ago, for which he served almost 40 months in prison and forfeited all of his ill-gotten gains.
‘He emerged from prison 10 years ago broke, but determined to rebuild his life. He’s an example of how the system works: crime, punishment, rehabilitation and redemption.’
Five years ago Porush moved to the six bedroom home in the exclusive Woodfield Country Club in Boca Raton.
Court records show that while living in the multimillion dollar mansion in Boca Raton he was sued for child support by his ex-wife for their three children.
Porush claimed he could not afford to pay her the agreed $5,500 a month.
On his website he describes himself as: ‘The consummate professional. The ultimate rainmaker.’
In 2014 it was revealed by Gossip Extra, Porush and his wife had become major donors to U. S. Congressman Patrick Murphy’s reelection campaign, donating $12,500 over the past two years.
Asked about living in a $7.5m home while still owing millions in restitution to victims of his stock scam, Porush replied: ‘I have not made a cent from the Wolf of Wall St film. I have no further comment to make.’ Mr Porush ended the conversation by putting down the phone.
The US District Attorney’s office for New York refused to comment on Porush when told about his apparent wealth.
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