Holiday events listed – Baxley News

Next, the Baxley-Appling County Chamber of Commerce annual Celebration of Light Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, Dec. 6, at 6:00 p.m. The route of the parade has been reversed this year and line up will be on Azalea Road (near WalMart). Parade applications are available at the Chamber. Prizes for the best float will be awarded in the following categories: Churches; Civic Groups; and Individual/business. The entry fee is $20.00. Call the Chamber for more information at 367-7731.

Immediately following the parade the green located behind City Hall will be converted into Baxley’s version of a Winter Wonderland. The community can enjoy snow and sledding, children’s crafts, inflatables, carriage ride, entertainment, marshmallow roasting and much more at the annual event sponsored by the City of Baxley and Chamber of Commerce.