New Housing Development Proposed For Wrexham

A large residential development consisting over 70 houses, a play area and an open public space, could be constructed in Wrexham if planning proposals are accepted.

In an application submitted to Wrexham Council, it is proposed that 73 dwellings are developed on land in Halton, Chirk. The land itself forms part of Ley Farm, situated to the east on Chirk Green Lane.

Overall the application consists of housing, new access to the development, associated landscaping, a play area and open public space.

Previously there had been planning permission in 1977 to build 89 units on the site, however the scheme itself was never built out. The application’s Design and Access Statement goes onto note: “This application takes this schemes as a starting point and improves on it, with numbers reduced to 73 units designed to suit the contemporary market.”

The proposed properties will consist of a mixture two, three and four bedroom houses. It is proposed that 24 of the properties will have two bedrooms while 41 will consist of three bedroom houses. Along with this, eight of the properties will comprise of four bedrooms.

Overall the properties will largely remain in keeping with the existing properties in Chirk, however the proposals also notes that the ‘over-arching idea for the development is to be a contemporary, sustainable place’.

The Design and Access Statement goes onto note: “The character will be defined by the surfacing, landscaping and means of enclosure of the public realm and by the houses themselves, developing and enhancing the red-brown brick and pitched roof theme of the neighbouring development.”

In total 192 parking spaces will be allocated to the properties, with 146 spaces also listed as cycle spaces.

The application is due to go before Wrexham’s Planning Committee at a later date.

(Google Maps image of the proposed location)