Gaia-Wind Opens Japanese Market with Entry Standard for Turbine: Short Listed …

World leading farm scale wind turbine manufacturer Gaia-Wind has today achieved Japanese certification for its GW 133 turbine, allowing it to enter the booming renewables market in that country. The news comes as Gaia-Wind is short listed for the prestigious Scottish Green Energy Award for Exports.

Similar to the UK MCS scheme, this achievement allows Gaia-Wind turbines to attract the Japanese Feed in Tariff (FiT), vital to the economics of farm scale wind. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) provides the rigorous, technical certification process which validates the quality of the engineering, design and power performance of the GW 133 turbine system. Under the scheme, compliant small wind turbine systems with an output of less than 20kW are eligible for the Japanese FiT, whereby all the output supplied to the grid will be bought by the participating electrical power company at JPY 55/kWh for twenty years.

Gaia-Wind CEO Johnnie Andringa said:

“With the most attractive feed in tariff in the world and a market size 1.6 times that of the UK, Japan will enable us to double our sales 2015. This will create more job opportunities and underpin our contribution to the UK renewable energy sector, while reducing our exposure to the UK domestic market to around 15% of our total sales.”

The success in Japan comes at a time when Gaia-Wind has, in response to a very challenging UK market for farm scale turbines, ramped up its export agenda.

Andringa continued:

“We are thrilled to be finalists for the Scottish Green Energy Award for Exports. Our export focussed strategy has not only allowed us to increase sales overall by a projected 90% over 2013 but has enabled us to open or increase sales in, other markets including Italy, Denmark, the US, Australia, France and Israel. At 16,109 kilometres from our Glasgow manufacturing base, Tonga’s turbine sets the distance record for a Gaia-Wind export order.”


1. For further information email or call 07920715345 or visit

2. In 2012 Gaia-Wind was listed as the fastest growing private company in Scotland and the eighth fastest growing in the UK.

3. Almost 1000 Gaia-Wind turbines have been “in the ground” for a combined operational time of more than 15 million hours. That’s over 1,700 years. In Denmark, almost 100 of our Gaia-Wind turbines have been running for more than 10 years.