Developers urged to ditch glass box plan for cloudspotter’s historic listed …

Revised plans have been submitted to build an extension on the roof of the Grade II-listed building at 7 Bruce Grove. Picture: Google StreetView

by Stephen Moore
Monday, September 1, 2014

12:30 PM

Proposals to build a steel and glass box on the roof of the historic Georgian former home of the “father of meteorology” Luke Howard have run into opposition from Tottenham conservationists.

The English Heritage Blue Plaque at 7 Bruce Grove commemorating it as Luke Howard’s final home. Picture: Acabashi via Wikimedia Commons

The grand semi-detached home in Bruce Grove, which bears an English Heritage blue plaque denoting it as the final home of Mr Howard – who named the clouds – could have an extra storey added to the annexe if its current owners get the go-ahead from Haringey Council.

But Matthew Bradby, chairman of the Tottenham Civic Society, said it “is unlikely to support” the glass box bid, revealed by the Journal last month.

The society has yet to formally respond to the plans, which are out for public consultation now, but Mr Bradby said: “It is part of a terrace of 200-year-old houses that are being restored one by one, and we feel that the restoration of number 7 should respect the historic context in which it sits.

“Planning permission has already been given to restore the building to its original appearance, and we are concerned that the owners are dragging their feet when they could start work on the plans that have already been approved.”