- The terrace at 52 Kellett Street has been listed for more than $1.8 million
- It has 10 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a kitchen and industrial laundry
- The 171sqm property is currently occupied by Secret Desire brothel
- Property failed to sell when it was listed in April 2013 for $1.98 million
If you’re in the market for a 10 bedroom, 10 bathroom terrace house with just one kitchen and an industrial laundry in the heart of Sydney’s Kings Cross – you’re in luck.
A unique terrace at 52 Kellett Street, Potts Point has just been listed for sale with a price guide of more than $1.8 million.
The 171 square metre property is being marketed as a ‘grand terrace zoned for residential and commercial’ use and is currently occupied by a brothel known as Secret Desire.
A unique terrace at 52 Kellett Street, Potts Point has just been listed for sale with a price guide of more than $1.8 million
There is no mention of the brothel in advertising for the sale of the property but the ‘iconic address’ has ‘boundless scope and future promise’.
The terrace is complete with soaring ornate ceilings, arched hallways and original fixtures.
It’s being sold through McGrath Estate Agents Chris Helich and Peter Starr.
The 171 square metre property is currently occupied by a brothel known as Secret Desire
The terrace is complete with soaring ornate ceilings, arched hallways and original fixtures
The property failed to sell when it was listed for three months in April 2013 for $1.98 million.
‘Brothels are all along Kellett St,’ Raine Horne Commercial selling agent Luke Smith told the Daily Telegraph when it was listed last time.
The property sold for $2.1 million in 2006, $1.5 million in 2004, $1.4 in 1999 and just $90,000 in 1979.
The terrace has 10 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a kitchen and industrial laundry
The property failed to sell when it was listed for three months in April 2013 for $1.98 million
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Jono from Coogee,
Coogee, Australia,
2 hours ago
Many years ago I had friends who bought a brothel, renovated and turned it into a home. For years afterwards drunks at all hours of the night would be hitting the door bell thinking it was still in business .
Jono from Coogee,
Coogee, Australia,
2 hours ago
Wow for such a small terrace it sure has lots of bedrooms.
Baccytown, United Kingdom,
5 hours ago
Would they accept a small deposit?
Budapest and London, United Kingdom,
5 hours ago
One wonders if the girls are as dull looking as this interior…
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