This month we’re featuring poetry and other literary-related events on the hypergrid.
Poetry on Kitely
The on-demand Kitely grid is rapidly becoming a poetry hub for the hypergrid.
Every Sunday except June 1, at 3 p.m. Pacific, there’s the “Freda in Progress” reading at the Babel Tower Auditorium on the Poesy region. Teleport to from anywhere on the hypergrid. The reading will be followed by the “Live Literature” event at 4 p.m. at the same location. The day ends with the Sunday Night Social Dance at 5 p.m. Pacific with a DJ, at the same location.
The same region is also host to other literary events, including Tuesday Night Babble at 5:30 p.m. Pacific every Tuesday at the Babel On! Coffee House. Hypergrid address is
At Kitely’s Babel On! (Image courtesy Stephanie Mesler.)
All these events are leading up to a big grand opening celebration for Poesy on Sunday, June 29, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Pacific. Including live performances and music, and an unveiling of the Galleries, Sculpture Garden and Ballroom. Teleport to Learn more about Kitely poetry events at Stephanie Mesler’s A Poet’s Progress blog.
Elsewhere on Kitely, there is a Guided Mediation event every Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. Pacific at the Spirit Paths Meditation Center on the Spirit Paths region, at Paths.
Another literary destination on Kitely is the Seanchai Library. Every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. the library hosts “Tea Time at Baker Street” with reading from Arthur Conan Doyle. Monday nights at 7 p.m. Pacific is the “Space Wars” story reading. Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. on June 10, 17 and 24 is the “A Dog’s Purpose” reading. Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. is “Tales of Despereaux.” Thursdays at 7 p.m. there are sea stories. Hypergrid teleport to Check out the library’s calendar here.
(Image courtesy Seanchai Library.)
On Fridays, there’s a social dance at 6:30 a.m. Pacific — why so early? — at the Rhapsody Night Club on the Rhapsody region at
Also on Friday mornings, at 9 a.m. Pacific, there’s Tea Talk at the Main House on the Freda’s Retreat region. Teleport to’s Retreat.
Now that Kitely is on the hypergrid, there are also hypergrid tours. Every Thursday at noon Pacific, Serene Jewell leads tours to other grids. The tours start at the Kitely Welcome Center at
Finally, every Wednesday at 1 p.m. Pacific there’s a community meeting at the Kitely Welcome Center. Kitely CEO Ilan Tochner usually drops by, as do many of the other movers and shakers of the Kitely community. Teleport to Welcome Center/127/34/24.
Steam Expo on Tangle Grid
The closed commercial Tangle Grid is holding the 2014 Steam Expo on Saturday, June 28 on the Steam Isle Event Ground region.
Although the grid is not hypergrid enabled, the grid owners are looking at making just this one region accessible to hypergrid visitors. Since the grid is relatively small — less than 100 regions, and around 80 active users a month — this could be a great opportunity for the grid to promote itself to the wider OpenSim community. Stay on top of developments by following Tangle Grid on Facebook or on Google Plus.
Career day and summer sale on Island Oasis
Starting on June 1, the closed commercial Island Oasis grid is also holding a one-week-only land sale for “Elite” 40,000-prim regions. Normally $65 a month, they are now $50 a month, with no setup fee.
Shopping on the Island Oasis grid. (Image courtesy Island Oasis.)
Also on June 1, at 1 p.m. Pacific, the grid will hold a public Town Hall Meeting. This meeting is held the first Sunday of every month and the staff of Island Oasis present news and announcements about the grid and answer public questions.
The Island Oasis grid is holding its second annual Career Day Job Fair on June 7, matching in-world employers with employees. There is no cost to participate. Contact Alysin Paolino to reserve a booth.
On Thursday, June 12, there’s a Builders Emporium Class with instructor Francisco Koolhoven on the Mystic Darkstone Design region.
Residents looking to meet up with others should attend the Friday Meet and Greets at the Java Joint, at 8 a.m. Pacific and again at 6 p.m.
Also on Fridays there’s a live performance by Mitch Triellis at 5 p.m. Pacific on the Grand Stage on the Cascara region, and a live performance by Torben Asp at 3 p.m. Pacific at The Probe on the Mystic Darkstone Design region.
Adult gatherings and new adult community
There’s a new community for adult residents of the hypergrid, The Adult Metaverse on Google Plus. Several hypergrid-enabled grids are posting events and spotlighting interesting destinations.
The project was spearheaded by Avalonia Estate grid owner Justin Ireman.
As part of its community outreach efforts, the grid will host a get-together on Sunday, June 8 at 4 p.m. Pacific for adult-oriented grid owners and representatives to discuss ways to cooperate and strengthen the hypergrid community. The event will take place on the grid’s TeamSpeak3 voice system, so in-world attendance is not mandatory.
Also on Sundays, the grid is starting its Erotic Readings event series June 15, at 3 p.m. Pacific. Teleport to Park.
Workout Wednesdays. (Image courtesy Avalonia Estate.)
Elsewhere on the Avalonia Estate grid, check out the non-adult Wednesdays Workout at 3 p.m. Pacific. Teleport to Mansion.
The rest of the time, the gym is definitely for adults. (Image courtesy Avalonia Estate.)
And on Fridays, at 3 p.m. Pacific, there’s the Boogie Night dance event, which the grid bills as a great opportunity “to hook up with a Mistress or a Sub.” Teleport to Sea.
Music calendars worth checking
I’m not going to transcribe all the music events happening this month in OpenSim — there are so many! But I will tell you where to look.
First — in alphabetical order, at least — check out 3rd Rock Grid’s calendar. There’s something going on almost every night this month, with the weekends being particularly busy. The grid also has community role play classes, science fiction roleplay events, and a community gathering every Saturday.
The Avination grid’s calendar also lists a handful music events this coming week.
But if you really want to see a grid with a lot going on, check out the InWorldz Events Calendar. There are 17 different events listed just for today.
The Littlefield Grid also has something going on almost every day this month, with hangouts, live musical performances, Blender lessons and DJ parties on its calendar. All the events are open to the public and accessible via hypergrid teleport.
Metropolis grid hosts The Missing Image, a poetry reading by Vanish Seriath, at 1 p.m. Pacific every Friday. Hypergrid teleport to missing image. The event is in English on June 6 and June 20, and in German on June 13 and June 27. Metropolis also hosts a summer solstice festival this month on June 21 at 11 a.m. Pacific. Hypergrid teleport to For more events on the Metropolis grid check out the grid’s calendar.
(Image courtesy Virtual Belfast.)
The Maritime Club on OSgrid is home to live music every Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Pacific. Hypergrid teleport to Club Belfast. Follow the club on Google Plus to find out who’s playing. OSgrid has also begun work on its 7th birthday celebrations, in July and is taking reservations for exhibitor space.
Finally — last but not least — Virtual Highway, as always, has a calendar packed full of music.
Grid Calendars
Many grids have calendars showcasing their events. If your grid’s calendar isn’t in this list, please send an email to [email protected].
- 3rd Rock Grid Event Calendar
- Avalonia Estate Events Calendar
- Avination Events Calendar – and for more details and to stay on top of Avination happenings with the Avination Facebook group, and the Avination Live Music Facebook group.
- Craft grid calendar
- GridTalk Events Calendar focusing on German-language grids
- InWorldz event calendar and its Event Lists forum
- Island Oasis Calendar
- Kitely Events Calendar
- Kitely Events and Activities Forum
- Kitely’s Google + Community
- Littlefield Event Calendar
- Metropolis Events Calendar
- OSgrid event announcements
- SkyLife Events Calendar
- Virtual Highway events calendar
Also check out the Hypergrid Events and OpenSim Virtual communities on Google Plus!
Last updated by
at June 1, 2014.