Huish Episcopi residents oppose plans for 71 new homes which could see …

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HUISH Episcopi residents are opposing plans for 71 new homes which could see the demolition of parts of a Grade II-listed wall for access.

Plans submitted to South Somerset District Council by Langport-based Clive Miller associates on behalf of the Cook Family seek permission to build the news homes on land north of Kelways at Wearne Lane.

A separate application asks for listed building consent to take down 3 to 4 metre stretches of a wall which forms part of the Grade II listed Old Kelways buildings on Somerton Road.

A heritage statement submitted to the district council by Clive Miller said: “The wall is not individually listed but it is an important link to the

original curtilage and functioning of the nurseries.

“It is therefore necessary for it to be suitably protected whilst at the same time ensuring that appropriate access can be obtained into this sustainable site for housing.”

Emily Harrod, of Delphinium Drive, can see the old wall from her house, which backs onto the site of the proposed development.

She said: “I think it’s such a shame if the wall is damaged – it is part of the history of the area and if we over look this we might find we have nothing left. What is the point of the listing if they are just going to knock parts of it down?

“I have spoken to other residents who are not happy about the plans to knock down the wall and the new houses – which could cause serious traffic problems.”

She said she plans to attend the Huish Episcopi Parish Council Annual Assembly meeting on May to raise her concerns.

Three letters of objection to the new homes, highlighting the added strain on local services and roads, have been sent to the district council .