Over 4100 Bitcoin Businesses Are Now Listed on Coinmap.org

Over 4,100 Bitcoin Businesses Are Now Listed on Coinmap.org

Another milestone in the bag for Coinmap.org — a resource that helps bitcoin users find business that accept bitcoin (and litecoin) local to them.

It would appear as if 4,100 businesses that accept the bitcoin digital currency are listed on the website, which boasts an easy-to-navigate map with markers depicting a bitcoin-friendly business.

To give you a better idea as to how fast the crypto-communtiy it growing, in early December just about 1,800 businesses were listed.

Of course, it’s not a representation of all bitcoin-accepting businesses out there for a number of reasons. The first of which is that a business owner needs to create the entry (as far as we’re aware, someone can also do it on their behalf). Not all businesses are aware the site exists (or they simply haven’t had the time to list themselves).

Second, the map is only designed for businesses with a physical presence. As such, the map excludes the scores of online businesses that accept digital currency payments, OverStock and TigerDirect being the two largest players.

The cities with the most bitcoin-friendly businesses? You guessed it: New York City and Los Angeles — America’s most populated cities. But take a peak around, you might notice a bitcoin-friendly business where you would least expect them.

Litecoin businesses, on the other hand are a different story in terms of total number, but that’s to be expected. It should, however, be noted that they have grown significantly, too. Back in earlier December, a mere 63 litecoin-friendly businesses were pinned on the map. Today, that number stands at 370.

Where do you think we’ll be a few months down the road?

Eric Calouro