Barry O’Farrell resignation: events that led to the NSW Premier’s downfall

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March 18, 2014: ICAC alleges AWH entered a business deal with Sydney Water and incorrectly invoiced it for tens of thousands of dollars for ”administration costs” after donating a similar amount to the Liberal party.

April 2, 2014: ICAC is told million-dollar payments listed in Obeid family ledgers as ”Australian Water” transfers were, in fact, loans to family friend Nick Di Girolamo.

April 14, 2014: Mr O’Farrell is called to give evidence before ICAC.

April 15, 2014: Nick Di Girolamo tells the NSW corruption watchdog that when he was head of the AWH, he couriered a $3000 bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange to Mr O’Farrell’s home just after he was elected. Following Mr Di Girolamo’s testimony, Mr O’Farrell denies receiving the bottle of vintage Grange wine. ”What I do know is if I had received a bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange I would have known about it and I did not receive a bottle of Penfolds Grange,” he said.

April 16, 2014: Mr O’Farrell resigns as Premier during a surprise press conference. He says a note thanking Mr Di Girolamo for the wine would soon be presented to the corruption watchdog. At the same time as Mr O’Farrell delivered the snap press conference, the note was tabled at the ICAC. Mr O’Farrell called it a ”massive memory fail”, but said he never wilfully misled the ICAC.


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