9 April 2014
Last updated at 21:11
Plans to demolish the stadium were rejected in January
Oxford greyhound stadium has been listed as a conservation area.
The track closed in December 2012 but several businesses still operate on the site.
Plans to demolish it to make way for 220 homes were rejected in January, but developers are challenging that decision.
Oxford City Executive Board made the conservation decision at a meeting earlier. It was welcomed by campaigners hoping to keep the stadium.
They say the conservation order will make it harder for developers to get planning permission for housing on the site.
Former greyhound commentator and campaigner Mick Wheble said: “They’re not putting a conservation order on it for just the sake of it. It is heritage in Oxfordshire.
“It was a stadium that kept going through the war years and kept people’s mind off the war. It’s got a lot of heritage and cultural aspects to it.”