The Giants are set to take over Newsham Park this summer in one of the largest cultural events ever seen in the grade II listed green space.
The park will be the sleep-over location for the giant visitors on the Friday night of the July event, with the marionettes exploring the streets around nearby Gardener’s Drive and Sheil Road.
Two years ago a similar presence in Stanley Park during the Sea Odyssey weekend brought thousands of people out in the area.
French street theatre experts Royal de Luxe are returning to Liverpool to present Memories of August 1914, a collaboration between the city and 14-18 NOW, and the UK’s flagship 2014 World War I cultural commemoration.
Little Girl Giant and her faithful pet dog Xolo will be featured in a special new story marking the outbreak of the Great War.

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In the city centre, St George’s Plateau, where the Liverpool ‘Pals’ signed up in August 1914, is also expected to feature in the event.
Some of the action will also take place in the Peel-owned Clarence Dock area which is part of a World Heritage site and Liverpool Waters.
The huge space will also act as their sleep-over destination on the Saturday night, and will easily accommodate the hundreds of thousands of people expected to turn out to watch the spectacular as the story unfolds.
Jean-Luc Courcoult, founder and artistic director of Royal de Luxe, said today: “It is our ethos to make sure free events touch the heart of communities and neighbourhoods.
Seeing these beautiful giants walking past rows of houses, local shops and parks means that we are bringing magical theatre to an audience who may not usually engage with art. We are passionate that art connects communities so we literally take art to their doorstep.”
Memories of 1914 takes place from July 23-27. Wednesday and Thursday will be a static city centre element of the show.
The full route and story will not be released for another couple of months. The current performance times are:
Friday and Saturday, July 25-26 – 10am to 7-7.30pm.
Sunday July 27 – 9am to around 1pm.