CHATTANOOGA, TN (Times Free Press) –
The Chattanooga Times Free Press tops the list of Editor Publisher magazine’s “10 Newspapers That Do It Right” list.
“Newspaper publishers today know that great content alone is not enough to keep their publications thriving,” the article in the March edition of the trade publication states. “… For newspapers, getting out and getting involved in their communities is just as important as successful advertising campaigns or award-winning investigative stories.”
Newspapers today are transforming themselves into digital agencies, event organizers, video producers and marketing experts, the article states.
In its annual list of top newspapers, the trade publication recognized the Times Free Press for presenting “events on steroids” to the community. In the past six years, the Times Free Press presented events and expos for brides, women, children, seniors, high school athletic stars and reader-selected “best of the best” winners in the region. The newspaper is adding a male-oriented expo this year.
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