Get your church supper listed in the paper

It’s that time of year when Triangle churches will be hosting pancake suppers and fish fries.

We’re calling all houses of worship to let us know about your upcoming dining events. If you invite the public to dine with you as a fundraiser between Feb. 26 and Memorial Day, your event should be on this list. Even though we’re timing this to the start of Lent, we’re open to events involving all faiths.

We’ll publish the list Feb. 26. We’ll do a similar call later this year to generate a list of such events in the fall and winter. However, we have a new procedure to get your event listed using The deadline for submitting your event is midnight, Feb. 20.

Here’s what to do:

• Go to (no www).

• Register or log in to the website.

• Click on “add to our listings” (upper right side).

• Fill out the form. Choose “Food and Dining” as the category. If the venue where your event is being held is not in the system, you’ll have to add it. Follow the prompts.

One helpful tip: Keep your entry short and informative. Include who, what, where, when and why.

Any questions? Contact Andrea Weigl at or call 919-829-4848.

Weigl: 919-829-4848; Twitter: @andreaweigl