Buyer beware! Family home haunted by the ghost of 14-year-old ‘Scary Mary …

  • Home first built in 1893 in Punta Gorda, Florida, by early settler and businessman James Sandlin
  • Following a series of family tragedies, daughter Mary Leah accidentally set herself on fire using a gasoline iron on the front porch
  • Her ghost, known as ‘Scary Mary’, is said to have haunted the house since
  • Current owners Natalie and Vandy Wynn, who have seven children, are hoping to get $1.59 million for their abode
  • They say the spiritual elements are surprising but not frightening

Daily Mail Reporter

15:05 GMT, 19 January 2014


16:42 GMT, 19 January 2014

It’s a sprawling Victorian-style family home that remains one of the most distinguished properties in Florida.

But, like the original gingerbread finish that has lined the porch since its construction in 1893, some aspects of this Punta Gorda house will never change – such as the previous inhabitants who refuse to leave.

According to documents filed by former owners over time, the history associated of this home is very much alive.

However, forgetting the ghost who supposedly stalks the hallways is nicknamed ‘Scary Mary’, the current tenants are an all-American family with seven children, so it can’t be too petrifying.

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Spooky house now for sale: This Punta Gorda, Florida, home has been listed for sale for $1.59 million. It is said to be haunted by a 14-year-old girl known as 'Scary Mary'

Spooky house now for sale: This Punta Gorda, Florida, home has been listed for sale for $1.59 million. It is said to be haunted by a 14-year-old girl known as ‘Scary Mary’

The home was built in 1893 but has been extensively renovated, with many original features maintained

The home was built in 1893 but has been extensively renovated, with many original features maintained

Buyer beware: Current owners Natalie and Vandy Wynn, who have seven children, share stories of their ghost encounters

Buyer beware: Current owners Natalie and Vandy Wynn, who have seven children, share stories of their ghost encounters

The 'widows walk' that sits atop the home is one of its most distinguished features - and a point of spiritual activity

The ‘widows walk’ that sits atop the home is one of its most distinguished features – and a point of spiritual activity

In fact, with this poltergeist said to be the spirit of a 14-year-old girl, mother Natalie Wynn says she treats her with the same approach she does her own brood.

‘She’s a kid,’ Wynn said of the ghost to The Herald Tribune.

‘I have yelled at her like I would any other kid in the house.’

‘Scary Mary’ was the daughter of James Sandlin, one of Punta Gorda’s most successful early businessmen who built the house.

However Sandlin’s family was beset by tragedy.

An infant died three days after birth.

Their son, Felix, 11, died in 1902.

Sandlin himself died — possibly of tuberculosis — in 1903, leaving behind a 34-year-old widow and three children.

But perhaps the most notable calamity occurred in 1909, when Sandlin’s 14-year-old daughter, Mary Leah, was ironing on the porch with a gasoline-heated flat iron — a common appliance until World War I.

This is the iron that lead to the death of Mary Leah Sandlin - AKA 'Scary Mary' - which is kept on display at the home by current owners Natalie and Vandy Wynn

This is the iron that lead to the death of Mary Leah Sandlin – AKA ‘Scary Mary’ – which is kept on display at the home by current owners Natalie and Vandy Wynn

Somehow, the gasoline spilled and Mary’s clothes ignited.

Screaming, she ran ablaze down the street, with neighbors trying to put out the flames.

She died not long after from her injuries.

And today, some 105 years after the accident, the presence of ‘Scary Mary’ continues to be felt.

‘Mostly what we have heard are footsteps up and down the stairs and across the hallway upstairs where her bedroom was,’ said father Vandy Wynn, an anesthesiologist at the local hospital.

‘A closet door, we went to push the door shut and the door came back open. They pushed against it and it was kind of a tug and war with the door to the closet which normally doesn’t do that.’

The current owners say they have never really been frightened of the ghosts they believe inhabit their home, but it has surprised them on many occasions

The current owners say they have never really been frightened of the ghosts they believe inhabit their home, but it has surprised them on many occasions

Shaking chandeliers is a very common characteristic of the house's ghost activity, according to the owners

Shaking chandeliers is a very common characteristic of the house’s ghost activity, according to the owners

So well-noted is its history, the Victorian-style home features on the cover a book called FloridaLand Ghost

So well-noted is its history, the Victorian-style home features on the cover a book called FloridaLand Ghost

Vandy and Natalie Wynn show prospective buyers through their home

Vandy and Natalie Wynn show prospective buyers through their home

With no way of escaping or avoiding the spookiness associated with their home (it’s featured on the cover of a book called FloridaLand Ghost) the Wynn’s are trading on it as they attempt to sell up and move.

The house and all of it’s mysteries has been listed for sale for $1.59 million.

Extensively renovated but with original features still intact, the home did not originally have an indoor bathroom or even kitchen.

Now it has five bathrooms and an expansive kitchen with granite finishes.

‘Some pieces are original, some were added later and some are new,’ Mrs Wynn said.

‘The outside of the old house is all original.’ WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral

Comments (16)

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Julia H,

Calgary, Canada,

5 hours ago

It is a beautiful house. Love the porch and hardwood floors.


minneapolis, United States,

7 hours ago

It’s a lovely old Florida house… being a native of that State I don’t understand why they chose the heavy “Victorian” furniture for that house. Unless it comes with beachfront I can’t imagine how it can be worth so much.


Little Rock,

8 hours ago

Goodness I’ve never heard of a gas heated iron! I wouldn’t touch that thing with a ten foot pole.


JAX FL – USA, United States,

11 hours ago

Get rid of that iron.

2 of 4 repliesSee all replies


rhome, United States,

9 hours ago

They don’t use the iron. If the spirit has any attachment to the iron then from what has been said it is not a malevolent attachment.


New Jersey,

9 hours ago

My same thoughts. They should donate to a local museum. Personally, I wouldn’t want to keep the instrument that caused the death of the girl. It’s ghoulish.


Newport News, United States,

12 hours ago

Ghosts? Right up there with alien abductions and Big Foot. It got these people some free publicity for their sale so ghosts do have a purpose.


West Palm Beach FL USA,

12 hours ago

‘Scary Mary’. Does the wind cry her name, too?



13 hours ago

What is wrong with the wife? While the husband is talking she keeps smirking or laughing. It makes it seem like they are lying.


Jacksonville, United States,

6 hours ago

They are trying to beef up the house so they can get a buyer and a better price. People love haunted places


san francisco, United States,

13 hours ago

Wat if Mary decides to follow them n move together!


Albuquerque, United States,

13 hours ago

I like a good ghost story.


Philmoore, United States Minor Outlying Islands,

10 hours ago

Don’t play with the dead. They don’t play.


Santa Cruz CA,

14 hours ago

Nice house! It’s 5638sqft and has 4 bedrooms.

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