Submit your open source event to our calendar

open source event calendar
Image credits: Flickr user DafneCholet submit to reddit

Are you planning, hosting, or going to an open source conference in 2014? If so, help spread the word about it by submitting it to our events calendar. maintains a calendar of user group meetups, seminars, webinars, and more. It’s an easy place to share and discover open source-related events. We already have a slew of events listed for 2014, but we know there are many more. Anyone can submit an event, whether you’re a speaker, sponsor, organizer, attendee, or just a fan.
Submitting an event is easy. First we ask that you simply go to the calendar and check to see if your event is already listed. If it’s not listed, here’s what will happen after you fill out the submission form:

  • You can preview your submission and correct any errors. Then submit it for review. 
  • Once you submit the event, you receive an email notifying you that it was submitted and is awaiting approval.
  • An admin will be notified and review the event.
  • Upon approval, the event will be listed. (You’ll receive an email letting you know the event was approved).
  • Your user account will be awarded 10 points (if you were logged in when you submitted it).

Please note that each event listing is simply a summary of the event. We encourage you to visit the event landing page for more details about the event.

If you’re attending an open source event in 2014 and are interested in writing about your experience, drop us a line. Let us know what event you’re attending and what angle you’d like to take with your post. We’re always seeking new writers for and welcome your ideas and suggestions.

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