Listed for Sale via Igloo

The owners of have put the domain name, website, and technology up for sale, and Amanda Waltz from Igloo is the broker of record. The company is selling this asset as the principals are looking to invest in other, non-Internet related ventures and to concentrate on their growing New Orleans restaurant business.

The asking price for the business was not publicly released, but I understand it is a seven figure listing. Revenue and traffic stats are available for qualified interested parties to review by contacting Amanda Waltz.

I reached out to Don Jones, one of the owners of the business, and he let me know there has already been interest in the asset locally. “When the decision was made to sell, we initially marketed the url mostly locally and received some interest and a firm cash offer along with some override that we declined. We’ve since engaged Tessa and Amanda of Igloo to market the site, some related url’s and technology,” said Jones. is one of my favorite geodomain names. I love visiting the city of New Orleans, and the city itself has become a brand, which is beneficial to this operating business. New Orleans’ visitor count has steadily grown over the past years and the city is expecting to reach over 13 million visitors as it celebrates its tricentennial in 2018.

If you are interested in learning more about the opportunity, reach out to Amanda Waltz at Igloo, and she will be able to provide details.