What’s Happening: 01/13

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Low-cost, local events happening this week. To be included, your event must be family friendly, cost less than $25 per person and take place in Cecil County as well as adjoining areas within a 20-minute drive. Please submit the event title, time, address to accent@cecilwhig.com.

Once approved by an editor, the event will be listed until its completion date. It will run in the print edition as space allows. You can also submit to a separate online calendar at cecildaily.com.


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

REIKI CLINIC, 5 to 8 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. For your $5, receive at least a 10 minute infusion of Reiki via our trained Reiki Practitioners. Phone 443-877-6856 or email zing@threerootswellness.com.

UPPER CHESAPEAKE CHORUS, 7 to 10 p.m. every Monday at St. Paul’s Lutheran, 201 Mt. Royal Ave., Aberdeen. Women making friends and learning more about singing with an award-winning Sweet Adeline’s chorus. 410-638-0777.

CHESS CLUB, 6:30 to 8:50 p.m. at Elkton Central Library. Meets weekly. Free, open to all ages. Contact Coach Mullen for more: chessterMullen@gmail.com or at 410-398-2721.

HAPPY HOUR, 12 to close at the North East VFW. Guests welcome.

BINGO, 6:30 p.m. at the Chesapeake City VFW.

ZUMBA, 5:30 p.m., Baldwin UM Church, Elk Mills.

SCRIBBLER ROOTS, 4:30 p.m. at North East Branch Library. Learn how to program a mobile robot to draw simple shapes, make sounds and more. Grades 6-11.Registration required. 410-996-6269

SOUPS AND STEWS, 6:30 p.m. at North East Branch Library. Bring a dish of your choice to share and taste others’ as well. Please bring the recipe information. Registration required. 410-996-6269


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

REIKI CLINIC, 5 to 8 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. For your $5, receive at least a 10 minute infusion of Reiki via our trained Reiki Practitioners. Phone 443-877-6856 or email zing@threerootswellness.com.

WEIGHT WANING SUPPORT, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Registration required. Weekly donation requested. Call 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com. www.threerootswellness.com

BAR BINGO, 5 p.m. at Chesapeake City VFW.

TOPS, 5:30 at Rosebank UMC, Rising Sun. Nonprofit weight-loss support group, meets weekly. $6 monthly fee. First meeting free. topsrosebank@gmail.com.

WORLD TRAVELS WITH LEE MACKIE, 6 p.m. at North East Branch Library. Soak up some fascinating ancient culture as you visit Egypt and Jordan with Lee’s fabulous DVD travelogue. Light refreshments. Registration required. 410-996-6269

MEMBERS MEETING, 7 p.m. at North East VFW.


WOMAN’S CLUB OF CECIL COUNTY, 101st birthday luncheon at The Granary. Call 410-398-1527 to make reservations. Limited availability after Jan. 6.

MAGIC SCHOOL BUS IN THE ARTIC, 3:30 p.m. at North East Branch Library.Find out how Ms. Frizzle and the kids stay warm in the freezing Arctic. Then see if you can keep your hand warm in ice water! Ages 6-11. Registration required.410-996-6269

WING NIGHT, 5 to 8 p.m. at North East VFW. Karaoke with Steve from 7 p.m. to close. Guests welcome.

ZUMBA, 7:30 p.m. at North East VFW. $3 per class.


LUNCH, 11:10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Agnes Church, Queen St., Rising Sun. Good will offering accepted. All donations support our pantry to help western Cecil County needy. For information, call ()410) 658-4378. Take out orders, call (410) 658-9422.

MEATBALL/TICKET NIGHT, 3 p.m. to close at North East VFW. $6 for meatball subs. Karaoke/DJ with Steve. Guests welcome.

ZUMBA, 5:30 p.m., Baldwin UM Church, Elk Mills.


TOBACCO TASK FORCE MEETING, 9:30 a.m., Cecil County Health Department, 401 Bow Street, Elkton. The Tobacco Task Force brings health officials, law enforcement, schools, businesses and community leaders together to help Cecil County live tobacco-free. Open to the public. For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Melissa High, Cecil County Health Department, Division of Health Promotion at 410-996-5168, or melissa.high@maryland.gov.

JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

FREE LUNCH, every Friday from 12 to 1 p.m. at Elkton Presbyterian Church, 209 E. Main St. provided by Elkton Community Kitchen. All are welcome.

MUSIC AND DANCING, American Legion Post 135, 300 Cherry St., Perryville, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., free admission. 410-642-2771.

BK KARAOKE, Elkton VFW Post 8175, High Street, every Friday, BK Karaoke 7-11 p.m. Free admission. Food now available, cash bar. All are welcome.

KARAOKE, at North East VFW with Steve. Guests welcome.

OPEN MIC, 7 to 10 p.m. at Gracie’s Open-Mic Cafe in Elkton every Friday night. $3 at door buys you $3 “Gracie’s Dollars” to spend on food and drink. Coffeehouse atmosphere, come perform yourself or just watch the talented artists. Info: facebook.com/graciescafe.

HARFORD BIRD CLUB MEETING, 6:45 p.m. at Churchville Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Rte 22/136. Josh Emm relates stories and shows photos from his “2013 Harford County BIG YEAR.” Snow date Jan. 24. All are welcome. Call 410-971-3203 for more info.

FAMILY PROGRAM, 7 p.m. at Grace Bible Chapel with Chris Ivey, an entertaining juggler. All are welcome, and all will be amazed at his talent. A free will offering will be taken. The church is located at 1949 Joseph Biggs Highway, Rising Sun.


HARFORD BIRD CLUB, 8 a.m. meetup. Join the Harford Bird Club at Fisherman’s Park below the Conowingo Dam for a Gull/Eagle Watch. Call 410-692-5905 for additional information.

GENEAOLOGY DETECTIVES, 11 a.m. at North East Branch Library.An informal meeting with others tracing their family history. Light refreshments. Registration required. 410-996-6269

BLUEBIRDS IN YOUR BACKYARD, 1 p.m. at Rising Sun Branch Library. Learn about the Eastern bluebird and why they are important to our local ecosystem. Free and geared toward families with children in grades 4 to 7. Space is limited and registration is required. 410-658-4025.

DRY RUN, 8 to 12 p.m. live band at North East VFW. No cover charge. Cash bar. Guests welcome.

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