Vacant Westhoff house burns down

A vacant house in Westhoff burned down Sunday evening. Fire officials from Westhoff, Cuero and Yorktown responded to the fire, a DeWitt County Sheriff’s Office official said.

She said the sheriff’s office received a call about the fire at 7:21 p.m. There were no injuries in the fire, the official said.

Mindy Brzozowski, 25, of Westhoff, said in a Facebook message that her mother-in-law owns the house. She said the house was on the market.

“By the time we got there, the flames were already coming out of the front door, and it was all the Westhoff VFD could do to keep the flames off the grass and surrounding houses,” she said through Facebook. “There was also a propane tank in danger of blowing up, but they kept it cool enough.”

The house is described as an older four bedroom, one bathroom wood-frame home by Mustang Realty. The house is listed online for $45,000.

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