What’s Happening: 01/06

List your events

Low-cost, local events happening this week. To be included, your event must be family friendly, cost less than $25 per person and take place in Cecil County as well as adjoining areas within a 20-minute drive. Please submit the event title, time, address to accent@cecilwhig.com.

Once approved by an editor, the event will be listed until its completion date. It will run in the print edition as space allows. You can also submit to a separate online calendar at cecildaily.com.


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

REIKI CLINIC, 5 to 8 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. For your $5, receive at least a 10 minute infusion of Reiki via our trained Reiki Practitioners. Phone 443-877-6856 or email zing@threerootswellness.com.

UPPER CHESAPEAKE CHORUS, 7 to 10 p.m. every Monday at St. Paul’s Lutheran, 201 Mt. Royal Ave., Aberdeen. Women making friends and learning more about singing with an award-winning Sweet Adeline’s chorus. 410-638-0777.

CHESS CLUB, 6:30 to 8:50 p.m. at Elkton Central Library. Meets weekly. Free, open to all ages. Contact Coach Mullen for more: chessterMullen@gmail.com or at 410-398-2721.

HAPPY HOUR, 12 to close at the North East VFW. Guests welcome.

BINGO, 6:30 p.m. at the Chesapeake City VFW.

ZUMBA, 5:30 p.m., Baldwin UM Church, Elk Mills.

ZUMBA, 7:30 p.m. at North East VFW. $3 per class.

WOMAN’S CLUB OF CECIL COUNTY, make reservation for 101st birthday luncheon on Jan. 15 at The Granary. Call 410-398-1527. Limited availability after Jan. 6.


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

REIKI CLINIC, 5 to 8 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. For your $5, receive at least a 10 minute infusion of Reiki via our trained Reiki Practitioners. Phone 443-877-6856 or email zing@threerootswellness.com.

WEIGHT WANING SUPPORT, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Registration required. Weekly donation requested. Call 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com. www.threerootswellness.com

BAR BINGO, 5 p.m. at Chesapeake City VFW.

TOPS, 5:30 at Rosebank UMC, Rising Sun. Nonprofit weight-loss support group, meets weekly. $6 monthly fee. First meeting free. topsrosebank@gmail.com.

INTUITIVE BODY EXERCISE, 7 to 9 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Participants will be guided through an actual workout, with exercises involving mind, body, and spirit. m $25. Call 443-877-6856 to schedule for the workshop or email angela@threerootswellness.com

MOZART’S REQUIEM, 7 p.m. at Rising Sun High School. Student holiday performance.


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

REIKI CLINIC, 5 to 8 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. For your $5, receive at least a 10 minute infusion of Reiki via our trained Reiki Practitioners. Phone 443-877-6856 or email zing@threerootswellness.com.

MYSTICAL WRITING, 7 to 9 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East.In this workshop you will learn how to tune in to your higher self and access other realms to find answers to this life’s questions. $25. RSVP 443-877-6856.

WING NIGHT, 5 to 8 p.m. and karaoke with Steve from 7 p.m. until close at The North East VFW POST 6027.

ZUMBA, 7:30 at the North East VFW. $3 per class.

WING NIGHT, 5 to 8 p.m. at North East BFW. Karaoke with Steve 7 p.m. to close. Guests welcome.

WING NIGHT, 6 to 9 p.m. at Chesapeake City VFW. Karaoke with Bob.

MIDWEEK OASIS DINNER, 5:30 to 7 p.m. at West Nottingham Presbyterian Church. Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, dessert and beverage at $5 a person and $10 a family — eat in only. 1195 Firetower Road, Colora, 410-658-6366, x21.


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

REIKI CLINIC, 5 to 8 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. For your $5, receive at least a 10 minute infusion of Reiki via our trained Reiki Practitioners. Phone 443-877-6856 or email zing@threerootswellness.com.

STREE REDUCTION WORKSHOP, 7 to 9 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. This workshop will focus on a brief introduction to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), its usefulness and application found in the traditional 8 week program. $25. RSVP 443-877-6856.

RECOVERY INTERNATIONAL, 7 p.m. Meetings are held every week at First Baptist Church of Elkton located at 607 Delaware Ave. in Elkton. Free. Abraham Low Self-Help Systems, a non-profit and non-sectarian organization, runs the meetings and is not affiliated with First Baptist Church of Elkton. The organization’s website is lowselfhelpsystems.org.

ZUMBA, 5:30 p.m., Baldwin UM Church, Elk Mills.

TICKET NIGHT/DINNER, 3 p.m. to close. Roast beef dinner for $6. Karaoke/DJ. Guests welcome.


JUICING AND MEDITATION, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Three Roots Wellness Center, North East. Learn juicing recipes and combine meditation with juicing to bring clarity. Free. RSVP 443-877-6856 or email angela@threerootswellness.com.

FREE LUNCH, every Friday from 12 to 1 p.m. at Elkton Presbyterian Church, 209 E. Main St. provided by Elkton Community Kitchen. All are welcome.

MUSIC AND DANCING, American Legion Post 135, 300 Cherry St., Perryville, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., free admission. 410-642-2771.

BK KARAOKE, Elkton VFW Post 8175, High Street, every Friday, BK Karaoke 7-11 p.m. Free admission. Food now available, cash bar. All are welcome.

KARAOKE, at North East VFW with jeff. Guests welcome.

OPEN MIC, 7 to 10 p.m. at Gracie’s Open-Mic Cafe in Elkton every Friday night. $3 at door buys you $3 “Gracie’s Dollars” to spend on food and drink. Coffeehouse atmosphere, come perform yourself or just watch the talented artists. Info: facebook.com/graciescafe.


BASKET AND BAG BINGO, 5:30 p.m. at VFW Post 8185, 520 Susquehanna River Road, Port Deposit. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society via Cecil County Relay for Life Team, “Bethany’s Angels.” Prizes will be Longaberger and Vera Bradley products. $15 per person and extra packs $5. Bring a non-perishable food item for a special prize. Call Anne at 410-378-3338 for info or for seat reservations.

AMERICAN COUNTRY, 8 to 12 p.m. live band at North East VFW. No cover. Cash bar. Guests welcome.

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