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December 26, 2013 – 6:14PM
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The ring for sale on Gumtree: ‘I bought it for someone but it didn’t work out and I never showed it to her.’
Millions of dollars worth of unwanted Christmas gifts are expected to flood online trading sites, with engagement rings among the most common items being resold this year.
Boxing Day listings on online classified site Gumtree suggested that homewares and jewellery had failed to impress gift recipients.
Gumtree spokeswoman Niki Hennessy said a significant number of engagement rings were listed on December 26, an ominous sign for the success of Christmas Day marriage proposals. “It’s not the best thing to miss the mark with,” she said.
The ring for sale in St Albans.
One seller from St Albans is offering a $3500 custom-made ring for just under $2000.
“I bought it for someone but it didn’t work out and I never showed it to her,” they wrote in their advertisement posted on Boxing Day.
About 1.7 million Australians are expected to sell their unwanted gifts online this year, according to a Galaxy Research survey commissioned by Gumtree.
More than half of the population is guilty of “re-gifting” (giving their unwanted gifts to someone else) while the most common reason a gift is deemed unwanted is “because it is not something the person would ever use”.
In 14 per cent of cases the recipient thought their present was “hideous”, the survey of about 1200 people found.
Last year, Gumtree had a 27 per cent increase in for-sale listings in January and Ms Hennessy said it was expecting to see an even bigger increase this year.
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