After having been up all yesterday evening and this morning the listings have suddenly been taken down. It’s open to interpretation what that means, but either it was an unintentional leak or someone at Amazon enjoys wasting their time writing detailed descriptions of games that don’t exist.
Original story:
Amazon’s Italian website is offering Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of this year’s reboot, together with its DLC and an art book.
So far Square Enix hasn’t announced anything about a new version of Tomb Raider, but the PlayStation 4 listing for Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is still up and has what seems to be an official-sounding blurb (translation courtesy of Google):
For the first time, for this beloved series, do not miss an extensive multiplayer component. All DLC released will be included in this fantastic edition console next-gen. This particular edition pre-order there is a pack with exclusive artbook integrated.
Although the second listing here doesn’t specifically mention the Xbox One you’d have to assume that’s what it’s for. Both versions are down for a January 24 release date, although again we have to say that Square Enix has not confirmed this.
It does all seem perfectly believable though, especially as the current gen versions of the game failed to meet Square Enix’s sales expectations despite the game appearing to sell well and receiving broad critical approval.
Relatively little downloadable content has ever been released for Tomb Raider, just a series of new multiplayer maps and extra skins for the single-player campaign. Whether Square Enix would create anything new, just for these editions, is unknown but it’s not usual with this sort of thing.
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