Korean Restaurant Seoul Garden is Listed for Sale

korean%20restaurant%20.jpgSeoul Garden [Thu N./Yelp]

Although it’s been around for 30 years, 25 years at its current location, Seoul Garden is currently listed for sale on a popular commercial real estate site. The listing refers to it simply as “Korean Restaurant” with the address (9446 Long Point) matching that well-known restaurant. The listing states that the 10,000-square-foot space has a long-term, low-rental-rate lease. It also states that the staff will likely remain and that this is a “business sale only.”

This mom-and-pop shop has become a go-to for food lovers who seek authentic Korean cuisine. In 2002 it was voted as having the “best bulgogi” according to Houston Press readers. It’s located along the Long Point strip, on which many other highly-regarded Korean places have seen lengthy stays and prosperous business. Eater could not reach the owner, but the real estate agent did tell us that the owner just wants to retire and that the restaurant itself is doing well.

No word yet on whether they’ve received any offers, but it’ll be curious to see if anything about this modest, highly respected Korean mainstay operates differently under new ownership.
· Seoul Garden [Yelp]
· Seoul Garden Sale Listing [LoopNet]

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