Tourism office provides free publicity for winter events

Aug 21, 2013

The Oswego County Department of Community Development, Tourism and Planning is compiling a list of events and activities to include in its “Winter in Oswego County” brochure.

The brochure will list events in Oswego County that take place between Nov. 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014.

Information should be submitted to the Oswego County Tourism Office at 46 E. Bridge St., Oswego by Aug. 31.

Entry forms have been mailed to businesses and organizations that submitted information in the past.

Information also may be submitted on-line by going to

“This is an excellent opportunity for groups, businesses and organizations all over Oswego County to get free publicity for events they are holding this winter,” said Tourism and Public Information Coordinator Janet Clerkin.

The tourism office will distribute the brochure free of charge at outdoor recreation shows, New York State Thruway and Gateway information centers, chambers of commerce and by mail.

Events also will be listed on the county website at

For information, contact Faith O’Brien at the county Tourism Office by e-mail at, or phone 349-8322 or 1-800-596-3200, ext. 8322.

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