All loss is potential opportunity. Opportunity for change, for growth, for creativity. This is not news to anyone – it’s a story old enough to be a complete cliche. And yet, sometimes being reminded of even obvious truths can be useful. Photos: Bright red snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) brightening the forest floor in Lassen Park in late May.
I got just such a reminder recently in a native plant pollinator garden I have the fun of working in sometimes. The plantings are new and young and novel and because of this I am particularly fond of and attentive to them. But so is a nearby gopher. One morning not too long ago I arrived at the garden to see that where once a sturdy little, fresh-green narrow-leafed milkweed once sat was now an almost perfectly round hole in the soil. The two neighboring narrow-leafed milkweeds looked a little lonely to me – and no doubt a little worried as well. As did the nearby solidagos and grindelias. Well, I thought, no need to panic – it’s just one plant. We will pay attention to this gopher and see what he will do, which plants exactly he is interested in. (I am guessing it’s sexist that I think of the gopher as a male, for which I apologize.)
Sure enough, a few days later, a second narrow-leafed milkweed was taken, but nothing else was bothered. Hmmm…. I pondered. I don’t have the time or resources to waste on waging war against this gopher if all he wants is the narrow-leafed milkweed. I also have no interest in focusing negative energy on the one small thing not going according to my plan when the rest of the garden is growing along perfectly. Furthermore, gophers are territorial, so if I did succeed in eliminating (euphemism for killing) this gopher, another would surely move right in and I would trapped in a cycle of trapping gophers.
“You can’t exactly work with a gopher,” a friend pointed out, but you can “work around them.” We were discussing re-planting the two felled narrow-leafed milkweeds with cages when a solution presented itself in the form of plant labels which we were also in the process of creating and installing. “Here,” my friend said. “We’ll just put the two long legs of the plant label right down into the last plant’s crown and it will poke the gopher in the head.” Photo: Wild purple, or heartleaf milkweed (Asclepias cordifolia) in bloom in the foothills of the North State in late May and much of June.
The lone narrow-leafed milkweed is doing fine to date and nothing more has been taken from the garden. Will the gopher get hungry and return to the garden? No, doubt. But where I was once lamenting the loss of two young plants, I am now admiring a creative solution and an attractive educational plant label.
Besides contemplating how to work around things that might not be going well, the month of June holds opportunity for much in the garden. The North State has had some truly unpleasant wind but also some lovely coolish weather and even late spring rain in the past month. Real heat however is in the forecast, so getting into your normal summer routine of later evening, middle of the night or early morning watering will reduce your water usage by a lot. It will also decrease your chances for stimulating fungal issues. Photo: June Farmers Market bounty.
Do not over-water trees or native or drought tolerant plants – especially directly around their crowns. As taller plants keep growing – dahlias, delphiniums, tomatoes, etc. – stake them for support. Feed your summer blooming plants and vegetables on a regular basis and cut back your perennials as they pass to encourage re-bloom. Top-dressing your beds with mulch and/or compost will help keep weeds down and help to keep moisture in, but make sure to not over-mulch around plant crowns. Make sure as well to leave some bare, un-irrigated dirt on the outskirts of your garden in order to allow room for native ground nesting bees. Keep harvesting summer crops as they mature in order to keep them producing as long as possible as well. Photos: Curing the late spring harvested red onions.
The June Calendar of regional gardening events is also full of potential opportunity. The On-line Calendar of North State Gardening Events at adds events throughout the month. I do my very best to keep the calendar up-to-date and accurate, please confirm all events with the event host. If you have an event you would like listed, or if you are aware of a mistake on the calendar, please send all pertinent information to: Thanks! Photo: The June garden is full of opportunistic things too – like snails.
June 1 – Paradise: the Paradise Garden Club Inc hosts their 21st annual Paradise Garden Tour all weekend. This is a self-guided tour featuring six beautiful Paradise home gardens along with a plant sale, benefit drawings, and refreshments. Proceeds support PGCI’s civic beautification and scholarship programs throughout the year. Tickets available at many Paradise, Magalia, and Chico merchants and online. For more info:, (530) 877.4242, or
Photo Above: The garden in June is full of glory – here Lavandula ‘Grosso’, Salvia ‘John Whittlesey’ and Penstemon heterophyllus in slanting early morning light.
June 1 – Mt. Shasta: Spring Hill Nursery Gardens Workshop: GARDENING IN DEER COUNTRY 10am – 12 pm. Free. Donna Wolfe and Danielle Caeton team up as successful garden owners living with deer. Learn the myriad beautiful plants deer resist and all kinds of repelling techniques from the experts. Please Bring Your Own Chair. Spring Hill Nursery Gardens, 1234 Nixon Rd, Mt Shasta CA. For more information: 530-926-2565;
June 1 – Cottonwood: Cottonwood Garden Club’s Annual Garden Tour “Gardens in the Country” 9 am – 1 pm. $10 for tickets/map to tour 4 beautiful gardens in the Cottonwood area. Refreshments and plant sales at each location. Tickets available at Wyntour Gardens: 8026 Airport Rd (1 mi. South of the Redding Airport, next to Kents Mkt). 530-365-2256/
June 1 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: Charlie Rabbit and His Friends 10:30 am. Join us the first Saturday of every month for an interactive program in the Gardens (or Greenhouse when it rains) for children, their siblings, parents and Grandparents. Join Charlie, our adorable jack rabbit puppet, in various gardening activities. Wear your favorite gardening clothes! Presented by Dennis and Sherrill Bambauer. Free with park admission! Meet at the Arboretum Botanical Gardens Office (1135 Arboretum Drive next to Nursery Greenhouse)
June 1 – Redding: Wyntour Gardens Water Gardening: Natural Filtration with Plants 10 am. Join Sherrie for a class on using plants for the natural filtration in your pond or water garden. Class is free but please call to reserve your spot. Wyntour Gardens, 8026 Airport Rd (1 mi. South of the Redding Airport, next to Kents Mkt). 530-365-2256/
Photo: Reflective water dish in the garden provides a perfect shallow basin for bees and butterflies to drink at on hot summer days.
June 2 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society FIELD TRIP: UPPER NORTH FORK FEATHER RIVER CARIBOU FISHERMAN’S TRAIL PLUMAS NATIONAL FOREST 8:30 am meet. Meet at Chico Park Ride west lot (Hwys 32/99) at 8:30 am. Bring lunch, water, sun/insect protection, hiking gear, and money for ride sharing. We will drive a total distance of 65 miles, one way. Mostly we will be driving Hwy 70 along the scenic Feather River Canyon to the Caribou Arm of the river where we will make roadside stops. We expect to see Shasta lilies and lady’s slipper orchids where small streams cross the road. The road ends at P.G E nostalgic 1920’s town site and power house. The hike is three-miles round trip. The trail is level but not maintained and may be overgrown. The river is crossed twice on foot-bridges. We are hoping for show of cascad- ing white-water. OPTION: Some folks may rather see the areas natural features from the paved road. Do not take children on this trail. Leaders: Gerry Ingco 530-893-5123, Wes Dempsey 530-342-2293. For more information see website at
June 4 – Forest Ranch: Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve Naturalist Hike: BCCER Annual Butterfly Survey 9 am meet; easy level. Join the sixth annual butterfly survey on Tuesday, June 4. This event is part of the North American Butterfly Association’s national efforts to collect population trend data. Local expert entomologist Don Miller will lead the trip on the BCCER. Novices will be teamed with experienced butterfly surveyors and will travel to many interesting parts of the reserve to count butterflies. Outing Fees $5. Meet at 9:00 am at the park-n-ride. No limit. To sign up: Call (530) 898-5010. Strenuous outings are four to eight hour trips, often allowing groups to access the most remote areas of the BCCER and discover the hidden treasures few are able to experience. Hiking may be over difficult, steep terrain. Moderate outings are generally four hours or less, and may include descending into the Canyon on dirt roads and primitive hiking trails to access point of interest. Easy outings are generally less than four hours in duration, follow the easiest paths and roads of the reserve and may include extended periods of sitting and observation.Additional Info: Meeting Time/Place: Please see outing description for meeting time. All outings begin at the Chico Park-n-Ride (western most lot, closest to Hwy 99) at 9:00 am unless otherwise indicated. Participants will be met by the leader and are encouraged to carpool to the Reserve. Wear/Bring: Unless otherwise noted in the outing description participants should wear sturdy hiking shoes with lugged soles, long-pants, an over-shirt in case of cool evening weather, consider a hat or sun-screen (daytime outings) and bring a sack lunch or snack and water. Binoculars are helpful on most hikes. Mosquito repellant is advisable for evening outings.
Photo: A little graystreak butterfly on wyethia.
June 7-9 – Forest Ranch: Women’s Nurture in Nature Retreat An Innovative approach to stress management that blends art and nature. This is a three-day retreat for women to refine and upgrade our response to stress in a way that strengthens us rather than debilitating our health. Through nature awareness and creativity exercises we will release old anxieties and improve mood and brain function while sparking the creative spirit. 12 noon Friday to 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. Location: Chico Canyon Retreat, a hidden gem of a place, nestled in Chico Creek Canyon on several hundred acres including the creek, towering cliffs and expansive oak grasslands. Fee: $445.00 Early Bird Special: $395.00 if registered by May 15, 2013 $100 deposit reserves your registration. Includes a gourmet lunch with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. Special accommodations rates at Chico Canyon Retreat Center are available. Camping: $20/night; indoor $50-$125/night. Contact: Anasuya at (land) 530-343-2796 / (cell) 510-848-8439 / or Suzanne at (cell) 530-961-2432 /
June 8-9 – Durham/Chico: Patrick Ranch Country Faire and Threshing Bee 2013 The event features an artisan faire, tractor draft horse parade, old-fashioned wheat harvest, bee stock dog demonstrations, fine country art exhibit and sale, children’s activities, mansion tours, tram rides, food vendors, and live music. For more info:
June 8 – Redding: Shasta Chapter CNPS Regular Field Trip: Conifers and California Lilac Walk. On this trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park, we will identify 13 conifers and at least 5 California lilacs (Ceanothus spp.). This will be an easy walk of about one mile with several stops on the way to Lassen. A plant list with a guide to identifying conifers and Ceanothus will be given to participants. Following the walk, we will drive to the Reading Fire area in Lassen Park to see how fire can shape a natural forest ecosystem, and to look for any long-dormant wildflowers that may be blooming. We will carpool and leave Redding at 9 AM. No dogs, please. This outing is limited to 20 participants. To reserve a space, call David Ledger at 355-8542.For more info:
Photo: Pipevine swallowtail butterfly chrysalis.
June 8 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: Green Pesticides and Integrated Pest Management 10 am – 12 pm. Come and learn about the many safer ways, successful organic and IPM (Integrated Pesticide Management) ways, to control pests and diseases in your garden and home. These methods are used daily by our presenter, local recognized pesticide expert Paul Stockton, in his work for a local pest control company that has tested green methods in the field. FREE for Members, $3 for nonmembers. Meet at the Arboretum Botanical Garden’s Office (1135 Arboretum Drive next to Nursery Greenhouse). For more info:
June 10 – 13 – Oroville: 11th Annual Native Orchid Conference Feather Falls Casino Oroville, California. Speakers to include: Ron Coleman – Author of “Wild Orchids of CA”, Raymond Prothero – Orchids of Plumas County Bob Lauri – Platanthers Piperias. Jyotsna Sharma – Current orchid research Dennis Whigham – Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Ken Cameron – Botany Professor, U of WI. Barry Rice – UC Davis – Carnivorous Plants. James Belsher-Howe – Butterfly Valley Botanical Area Dick Hilton– Geology of Feather River Region. Matt Richards-“Recovery efforts for Cyrtopodium punctatum in the Fakahatchee. Attendance limited to the first 100 people who sign up. The cost will be $150 for a single or $275 for a couple. $50 of either registration will be a tax exempt donation to the Fred Case grant fund. Lunch will be provided on the two days of meetings. For more info: Raymond Prothero – Conference Chair – Mark Rose – NOC President – David McAdoo –
Photo: Wild stream orchid (Epipactis gigantea) in bloom along creeks and waterways in the foothills of the North State.
June 12 – Davis: UC Davis Arboretum Walk with Warren – West End Gardens Noon, Gazebo, UC Davis Arboretum, UC Davis campus. Join Warren Roberts, the Superintendent Emeritus of the Arboretum, famous storyteller and punster for an always engaging noontime exploration of our the Arboretum’s west end gardens. Free one-hour parking is available along Garrod Drive during the week. Visitor lot parking costs $7 per day midweek. For more information, please call (530) 752-4880 or visit:
June 15 – Fair Oaks: Fair Oaks Horticulture Center and Sacramento Master Gardeners GARDEN OPEN DAY 8:30 – 11:30 am. Watch Master Gardeners demonstrate summer fruit tree pruning. See different methods for training and pruning grape vines. Taste ripe berries. Learn how to grow herbs in containers. Ask questions. For more information:
Photo: Trellising tomatoes in the home garden.
June 15 – Mt. Shasta: Spring Hill Nursery Gardens Workshop: VERMICULTURE CLASS 10am – 12 pm. Free. Katie Jessup offers a demonstration for rose care including how and what to prune and how to plant and feed roses for health and prolific blooming. Please Bring Your Own Chair. Spring Hill Nursery Gardens, 1234 Nixon Rd, Mt Shasta CA. For more information: 530-926-2565;
June 15 – Chico: Chico Creek Nature Center Activity: Critters in the Creek 9 – 10:30 am During the hot Chico summertime, many of us try to beat the heat by going to the creek to cool off. The riparian habitat provides shade and the water is clear and clean. While you are splashing around in the cool water, have you ever wondered what else might be in the creek? The Chico Creek Nature Center is proud to present Critters in the Creek, a look at the plants and animals that share this habitat with us. Take a walk through the lush riparian habitat near the creek to learn about its importance to us. You will learn about the predator/prey relationships in the creek and see how the food web works with an interactive game. The next stop in this adventure is Big Chico Creek and you’d better be prepared to get a little wet. We will be catching some of the critters in the creek and then we will head back to Kristie’s Nature Lab for a much closer look using hand lenses and microscopes. Come join us for a fun, informative family adventure and beat the summer heat in the creek! Contact: CCNC to register 891-4671. For more info:
June 15 – Redding: Wyntour Gardens Workshop: Organic Insect Control 10 am. Join Holly and learn your options for natural insect control. Holly is our pest expert and a wealth of information. Class is free but please call to reserve your spot. Wyntour Gardens, 8026 Airport Rd (1 mi. South of the Redding Airport, next to Kents Mkt). 530-365-2256/
June 15 – Dunsmuir: Dunsmuir Botanic Gardens Annual Tribute to the Trees Concert 3:30 pm Gates Open. 23rd Annual Tribute to the Trees Concert by the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra at the Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens. This year’s theme, Puttin’ on the Ritz: A Black and White Affair promises a gala evening befitting the setting. Sounds and feast awaiting our patrons. Gates open at 3:30 PM for: cocktail hour, a popular Silent Auction, sales of raffle tickets and Boutique items, socializing and the opportunity to ogle any black white finery present. Delight in an elegant alfresco supper at 5 PM catered by Chef Kate Chadwick of the Dogwood Diner. The concert itself begins at 6:30 PM. Prices begin at $20 for the concert only; concert and supper tickets are $45. Our Concert Sponsors receive VIP treatment, including reserved seating for both the meal and the concert for their $75. Certain discounts are available. The box office opens on May 14th. Please contact Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens at the Dunsmuir Recreation and Parks District at 530 ¨C 235- 4740 for more information and reservations, or find us at our website Please find us and “friend” us on FaceBook.
JUNE 15 16 – Forest Ranch: WATER SHED RESTORATION TECHNIQUES AND EARTHWORKS HANDS ON WORKSHOP PART 2Butte Canyon/ 10am to 4pm. You don’t need to have participated in part 1 to come to this workshop!!! In this 2 day workshop we will learn how to use and read topographic maps of the land. This tells us how to place existing water paths, ponds, collecting water places from the maps and from reading the land. We will learn how to calculate how much water runs through your property through catching it from the roads, roof run offs, possible ponds, etc…. We will learn how to map the land for swales, water trenches and possible ponds using an A-frame and some survey tools etc.. And then we will show how to use machinery to do the earthworks according to our readings, calculations, topo maps, data and design. This is a very complete two days that will teach you how to apply DESIGN PERMACULTURE TECHNIQUES TO RESTORE WATER SHEDS. HOW TO COLLECT WATER, SLOW IT DOWN AND STORE IT WHERE YOU NEED IT. Carpooling arranged from Chico. Bring lunch to share with the group and comfortable clothing and shoes. The workshop takes place in a beautiful canyon property near Chico where you will get a challenging landscape to learn from. Come on down.. Limited spaces!! REGISTRATION here: DETAILS CONTENTS here :
June 17 – 23: National Pollinator Week! For more information, visit:
Photo: Penstemon wasp on wild foothills penstemon (Penstemon heterophyllus).
June 19 – Redding: Shasta Rose Society Monthly Member Meeting Program The Society meets each month, with the exception of July, August and December, on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Building 4, Room 401 at City of Redding Corporation Yard, 2055 Viking Way, Red- ding, California. The meetings are held for the purpose of presenting an educational program. Admission is free to the general public. For more information:
June 20 – Summer Solstice
June 20 – Redding: Shasta Chapter CNPS Regular monthly meeting annual picnic Chapter meeting to kick off the summer, this year to be held at K.C. Grove in Anderson River Park. 6 PM dinner and it’s potluck, so bring a dish to share! There are picnic tables, but you might want to bring your own lawn chairs or blanket. Also bring your own dinner service, beverage, and mosquito bug juice. This park allows alcohol, but prohibits glass containers. We will introduce the scholarship recipients at this picnic, and maybe even have time to wander on the trails through the riparian areas of this beautiful riverside park. Anderson River Park is at 2800 Rupert Road, Anderson, and KC Grove is about one mile from the intersection of Rupert and Stingy Lane. It is next to the band shell/amphitheater where the Mosquito Serenade is held every summer. For further information, please call Laurie Burk at 347-0849. For more info:
June 22 – Redding: Shasta Chapter CNPS Regular Field Trip: Juniper Lake and Mt. Harkness Hike. This outing will include a 5.5-mile loop hike up Mt. Harkness with a 2,000-foot elevation climb. The hike is a climb through red fir, western white pine, and lodgepole pine forest into mountain hemlock. The last part of the climb is treeless with 360-degree views. Mt. Harkness is a shield volcano with a cinder cone at the top. On the descent, we will walk through a mountain meadow, which should be in full bloom. Afterwards, participants can either drive back to Redding, or camp overnight at Juniper Lake. A short walk is planned for Sunday morning. Meet at Redding City Hall’s south parking lot on Parkview Avenue at 9 AM. No dogs, please. For more information, call David Ledger at 355-8542. For more info:
Photo: Wild coyote mint (Monardella villosa) is a magnet for pollinators and an easy native for the home garden, featuring a refreshing mint fragrance, good sun and little water.
June 22 – Chico: Friends of Chico State Herbarium Workshop: Introduction to the Willows of California (Salicaceae). How often do you meet a willow in field and have to assign “Salix sp.” in your surveys? Cottonwoods and willows are the most common riparian hardwood species in California and yet many of us have little idea of how to tell them apart. Our trouble in making a positive identification is further compounded by only having vegetative material to identify during field vis- its when we think we need flowers to make a positive identification. The workshop will focus on the leaf, stem, and other growth characteristics that are useful in making identification while also emphasizing the regional dis- tributions of the different species. The goal of the workshop is to instill con- fidence about vegetative characteristics used in the identification keys in The Jepson Manual (2nd edition). John Bair is a recognized expert in willow and cottonwood taxonomy and physi- ology, who has investigated the inter-relationship between riparian plant dynamics, geomorphology, and hydrology to recommend flow management and channel res- toration approaches that would improve the conditions on regulated rivers. He earned his Master’s degree working with Dr. John Sawyer at Humboldt State Uni- versity, analyzing riparian initiation and establishment processes on the Trinity River, a highly regulated river in northern California. His special interests include the effect of stream flow regulation on Salicaceae. The workshop will meet Saturday, June 22, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Holt Hall room 129 at CSU Chico. Registration is $100.00 personal, $90.00 for members of Friends of the Herbarium, $40.00 student (only 2 seats available at the student price). Please register in ad- vance; class size is limited to 20 participants, class cancelled without a minimum of 8 participants. For more information about workshop content please contact John Bair at or (707) 826-7794 ext 14. For information about workshop registration please contact the Biology office at (530) 898-5356 or
Photo: In the higher elevations, June still sports some snow and fog. Here a high elevation wetland meadow in Lassen Park in early June.
June 22 – Redding: Shasta Koi and Water Garden Club’s Annual Pond Tour 8 am – 4 pm. $10 for tickets/map to tour 8 beautiful ponds and water gardens in the Redding, Palo Cedro and Bella Vista areas. Tickets available at Wyntour Gardens: 8026 Airport Rd (1 mi. South of the Redding Airport, next to Kents Mkt). 530-365-2256/
June 22 – Mt. Shasta: Spring Hill Nursery Gardens: ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR TO BENEFIT LIBRARY 22nd 10 am – 3 pm Tour 6 beautiful and inspirational gardens. $15 suggested donation. Pick up maps and begin tour at Spring Hill Nursery Gardens, 1234 Nixon Rd, Mt Shasta CA. For more information: 530-926-2565;
June 22 – Chico: Chico Creek Nature Center Activity: Bats 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm. For such a small animal, bats sure seem to instill fear and dread in people. They are often thought of as sinister or evil and seen as disease carrying “rodents with wings”. Is it because they are mysterious, secretive nocturnal mammals? Do we fear bats because of silly ancient legends like the vampires that drink blood then turn into bats? The Chico Creek Nature Center would like to invite you to an evening in Bidwell Park to dispel those myths and introduce you to the world of Beneficial Bats. Chico is home to numerous species of bats that have remarkable adaptations for survival. Explore how bats use echolocation to find food, how they communicate with each other and learn if you are “as blind as a bat”. You will learn what our local bats eat and why we all benefit from having them around us. We will take a walk through the Park to explore bat habitat and you can even learn how you can attract beneficial bats to your neighborhood. It is going to be a spooky good time for the entire family and you may even learn to love our flying friends of the dark. Contact: CCNC to register 891-4671. For more info:
June 23 – FULL MOON
June 23 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society FIELD TRIP: VALLEY CREEK ASI PLUMAS NATIONAL FOREST Meet at Chico Park Ride west lot (Hwys 32/99) at 8:30 am. Bring lunch, water, sun/insect protection, hiking gear and money for ride sharing. We will drive Hwy 99 and 70, through Forbestown and northeast on the La Port Road a distance of 68 miles to the Valley Creek Trail head at 4,700 ft ele. Valley Creek Special Interest Site, in the headwaters of the South Fork of the Feather River is near the historic Gold Rush town of La Porte. This 2 mile easy hike leads into a park-like ravine among giant old growth conifers with a rich understory of herbaceous plants and shrubs The stand of virgin timber has been spared from adjacent extensive timber harvesting. We hope to see the forest floor blanketed with blooming twin flowers, Pacific starflower, western spring beauty and many more plants. The loop trail drops 200 ft into Valley Creek Ravine, so count on a 200 ft gain in elevation climbing out of the ravine. For information or an alternate meeting place call Marjorie McNairn 530-343-2397. For more information see website at
Photo: In the wild, the native buckwheats are just coming into their own in June. Here the broad inflorescence of a taller white buckwheat species (Eriogonum sp.).
June 23 – Redding: Shasta Chapter CNPS Regular Plant Propagation/Clean-up Session. 9 am. One- to two-hour work session starting at 9 AM (please note earlier start time for the warm summer months) at the Shasta College greenhouses. The greenhouses are located at the back of Shasta College, near the livestock barns. We will be weeding, spiffing up, and transplanting. Please call Jay Terri Thesken at 221-0906 for further information. For more info:
June 23 – Chico: Chico Permaculture Guild Monthly Gathering 1 – 4 pm. PLEASE NOTE: This gathering is on a SUNDAY! What’s Happening this Month: Field Trip to Chaffin Family Orchards (date TBA) *NEW* Educational Topic: Permaculture Principles -what they mean and their practical application in our home space (based on Holmgren principles 1-12). Permablitz and Member Tours -how best to move forward. Guest Speaker for June: TBA What to Bring: Please bring a small dish to share as well as your own dishes, utensils and cup for the Potluck –beverages will be provided. If you have anything in surplus (vegetables, eggs, fruit, seed, plant starts etc.) please bring it along and we’ll ‘Share the Surplus’ after the Potluck. We need to ensure we clean up after our gathering, please let us know if you can help! We’re looking forward to another gathering with fabulous people, incredible food and sharing our garden abundance! Please RSVP to Stephanie at or 530-828-6390 if you will be attending.
June 29 – Redding: McConnell Arboretum Botanical Gardens at Turtle Bay: Walk with Horticultural Manager Lisa Endicott 10:30 am. Bring your notebooks and camera! We’ll make our way through the Gardens with frequent stops for discussions about (what else?) plants! Free with Park or Garden admission. Meet at West Garden Entrance. Take N. Market Street, turn on Arboretum Drive. Take the right fork. Parking lot and entrance are on the left.
June 30 – Chico: Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society FIELD TRIP: JONESVILLE MEADOWS WALK LASSEN NATIONAL FOREST Meet at Chico Park Ride west lot (Hwys 32/99) at 9 am or call the leader to meet at the historic Jonesville Hotel Site at 10 am, about 5 miles beyond Butte Meadows on the Humboldt Rd. Bring lunch, water, sun/insect protec- tion, hiking gear, and money for ride sharing. Wear foot gear suitable for slogging in marshy ground and for short hikes. We will drive Hwy 32 for 27 miles and 10 miles on Humboldt to our field trip area at 4,800 ft ele. We expect to see a great variety of wetland flowers like camas, leopard lily, little elephant heads, veronica, tofieldia, and bog orchid. Leader: Janna Lathrop 530-893-2886. For more information see website at
Photo: A skipper on chocolate flower (Berlandiera lyrata) in the herb garden.
To submit plant/gardening related events/classes to the on-line Calendar of Regional Gardening Events, send the pertinent information to me at: Jennifer@jewellgarden.comDid you know I send out a weekly email with information about upcoming topics and gardening related events? If you would like to be added to the mailing list, send an email to
In a North State Garden is a weekly Northstate Public Radio and web-based program celebrating the art, craft and science of home gardening in Northern California. It is made possible in part by the Gateway Science Museum – Exploring the Natural History of the North State and on the campus of CSU, Chico. In a North State Garden is conceived, written, photographed and hosted by Jennifer Jewell – all rights reserved In a North State Garden airs on Northstate Public Radio Saturday mornings at 7:34 AM Pacific time and Sunday morning at 8:34 AM Pacific time.
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