York-Adams medicine take-back events slated

The York-Adams Pharmaceuticals Stewardship Alliance, in partnership with DEA, Giant pharmacy, Penn Township, Hanover Police Department and the Pennsylvania State Police will be offering a medication take-back drive on Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Giant stores located at 801 Baltimore St. and 455 Eisenhower Drive in Hanover.

Other drop-off sites include the Bermudian Springs school complex, the Alpha Fire Co. No. 1 in Littlestown, the Gettysburg Area Recreation Park, the Fairfiled Fire EMS station, the Biglerville Hose and Truck Co. No. 1 station, and the Eastern Adams Regional Police station, on North Berlin Avenue, New Oxford.

Residents can drop off unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medicines, as well as veterinary medications, in an environmentally safe manner at this event. All personal information listed on prescription labels, such as names, addresses and contact information, should be marked off, or the labels removed. For more information, contact Martha King at 717-968-3083 or advocacymom@embarqmail.com.

Additionally, the Penn Township Police Department has installed a take-back box in the lobby at its station, 20 Wayne Ave. Drop-off can be made during regular lobby hours, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for holidays.