Since the Boston Marathon tragedy, the term “Boston Strong” has been the unofficial rallying cry for those showing support for the city of Boston and everyone touched by the bombings. The Red Sox had a Boston Strong uniform in their dugout last night, and a variety of Boston Strong shirts are showing up for sale. is a domain name that has been registered to a Vermont resident since November of 2012. It appears that this person also registered other extensions of this domain name this week, including the .net, .org, and others. forwards to
When doing a Whois lookup on the domain name, I saw that DomainTools showed a “for sale” notice indicating that the domain name is currently for sale. Clicking on the link takes you to a Go Daddy Auctions page, where the domain name is listed for sale with an asking price of $25,000. As of the time of this post, there haven’t been any offers made via Go Daddy.
I reached out to the domain registrant, and here’s what he told me:
“ domain owner seeks non-profit owner to build and expand “…strong” websites. The websites intends to promote “Awareness, Resiliency, Preparedness, and Healing” information. In 2011, Hurricane Irene devastated the Vermont Mountains and valleys with rapid floods. Our country’s founders left us clues when parts of Vermont were chartered in 1761 as “Hill by the Rapid”. We built on the riversides anyway, and all along the coast. Hurricane Sandy put the Garden State into shock when the coast was destroyed by the floods. It was not the first time a hurricane destroyed the coast. The best advise is to cooperate with evacuation orders and leave politely.”
Based on what the registrant told me, I don’t know if this is a legitimate listing on Go Daddy Auctions. I don’t know if is worth $25,000, but I do think it’s worth something, and now would be the best time to sell the domain name.
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