Sunday March 24, 2013
LENOX — Whether Town Hall should be in the business of marketing Lenox to visitors is bubbling up again as another point of contention among residents and local government leaders.
The town is expected to name a three-month events coordinator for spring attractions on Wednesday, but a $97,500 proposal to fund economic development, primarily tourism-driven, in fiscal 2014 is already causing vigorous debate ahead the May 2 annual town meeting.
The spending plan proposed by Town Manager Gregory Federspiel includes $52,500 for a 30-hour a week, year-round events consultant. It also includes smaller amounts to support the organizers of six events, funding for the Lenox Visitors Center, and the cost of a marketing campaign administered by the Berkshire Visitors Bureau.
The Finance Committee has recommended cutting the $97,500 item to $55,000 — the same amount that is currently budgeted.
“It’s not clear that the spending is tied to results or a plan,” said Finance Committee Chairwoman Lucy Kennedy. “Though we’re all in favor of economic development, we thought we should be conservative about the funding.”
During this week’s Select Board meeting, Selectman Edward Lane questioned “locking ourselves in” to a year-round events manager who would begin work this summer.
“I’m not prepared to vote for an events coordinator anytime in the near future,” said Selectman David Roche. “But we should have the
money available depending on how we decide to go at some point in time.”
Board Chairman Kenneth Fowler said he would need to be highly confident that having a year-round events coordinator would help boost the $1.6 million that the town receives annually in lodging and meals taxes.
“When the time comes and it feels right, we’ll all know it,” Fowler said. “And, if it’s wrong, it just won’t happen.
“There’s always another idea out there to try and augment that tax revenue.”
Marketing tourism has resurfaced as a hot topic, Fowler said.
“This is probably one of the most-talked about items that we’re discussing right now,” he said. “I’m hoping people can see past the concept of this being similar to our other economic development efforts.”
He said residents are confused about marketing of town events being handled by town officials instead of the Lenox Chamber of Commerce.
“It’s the difference between a huge success and the way we’ve always done things,” he said. “I’m looking at a new way to go forward in partnership with the chamber and all the merchants, including North Lenox and Lenox Dale, to try to make this a success for us.”
In other business, town resident Kameron Z. Spaulding criticized the board for approving an appropriation of $425 to create a one month test campaign through the Google ad network to be handled by local photographer Kevin Sprague’s Studio Two web branding and design firm. Spaulding complained that the proposal, approved by the Select Board more than two hours into the meeting, had not been listed as a specific item on the meeting’s agenda.
“Before you decide to spend another dollar, you need to decide whether you’re in the marketing business,” said Spaulding, who has lived in Lenox for two years. Referring to the town’s $23 million operating budget, Spaulding said no entity with that kind of spending plan “markets without a marketing plan.”
Fowler told Spaulding “the point was well-made” and that he intended to use it to promote the need for a year-round event planner.
There are four applicants for the three month coordinator’s position. The person chosen by the town will help organize and market the town’s Memorial Day Weekend Marathon, the second annual Berkshire Cycling Classic on June 9, and a newly configured classic car show and downtown block party on June 14. The new coordinator will receive $8,000 for 200 hours of work.
To contact Clarence Fanto: or (413) 637-2551.
On Twitter: @BE_cfanto.