The Upper St. Clair Patch provides a gallery of some of the residential real estate listings in our area. Houses eligible to be listed are any of those in Upper St. Clair Township.
The USC Patch will do its best to feature houses representing different price levels and representing different real estate agencies.
The USC Patch has no intention of favoring certain listings or companies.
$799,900 – 5 bed, 5 bath. 136 Devonwood Dr., Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, March 24, 1-4 p.m. (Click here to learn more about this listing.)
$249,900 – 4 bed, 3 bath. 2471 Huntingdon Dr., Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, March 24, 2-4 p.m. (Click here to learn more about this listing.)
$229,900 – 3 bed, 3 bath. 747 Thornwick Dr., Upper St. Clair, PA 15243. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, March 24, 1-4 p.m. (Click here to learn more about this listing.)
$219,000 – 3 bed, 3 bath. 345 Johnston Rd., Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, March 24, 1-3 p.m. (Click here to learn more about this listing.)
$975,000 – 5 bed, 6 bath. 2060 Blairmont Dr., Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. (Click here to learn more about this listing.)
Realtors: Please add other listings to this gallery!
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