Listed For Sale on, a site which offers web designers and developers great deals on software, web apps, resources like fonts and images, books, courses, and more is currently listed for sale on DealFuel was launched by, Flippa’s parent company in January of 2012.

Around 16,000 unique visitors stop by Dealfuel each month and the site receives near 45,000 impressions and has more than 50,000 registered customers. In addition, the site generates between $10,000 and $20,000 in revenue each month and has 100,000 potential customers on the site’s re-targeting list.

According to a press release, SitePoint is looking to sell the site in order to focus on its core business of publishing educational content for web designers and developers. “’s first year has been a great success,” stated Nick Kenn, General Manager, SitePoint in a press release, “However, it simply doesn’t match SitePoint’s current direction. The choice to list it on Flippa, rather than sell it privately, was obvious: it gives us access to a much broader group of potential buyers!”

The auction, which runs through February 21, will give interested buyers plenty of time to research the site and decide if they are interested in purchasing it.

“We are thrilled to have acquired the listing for one of our sister companies”, said Dave Slutzkin, CEO, in a recent press release. “Potential buyers can be assured that they will receive a quality site and support, in keeping with our “family” tradition.”

Currently, the site has had 18 bids and has reached a selling point of $52,100. The listing will close in a little over 14 days.

Source: Flippa’s Press Release


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